The National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) holds eight webinars per year for members. NAWM Member webinars cover a variety of topics encompassing wetland science, policy, program implementation, and legal issues. These webinars, including recordings for past webinars are available to NAWM members.
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Uncovering the Past and Planning for the Future: Washington, D.C.’s Underground & Piped Stream Mapping Project
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 - 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. EDT
- Josh Burch, Environmental Protection Specialist, D.C. Department of Energy & Environment
- Joe Arrowsmith, Director of Ecosystem Restoration, Straughan Environmental
Over the last 200 years the land area where Washington, D.C. is located has been transformed from a sparsely populated area filled with forests, streams, and farmlands to a thriving city-state with over 700,000 people living and working within its borders. While much is known about the farmlands and forest giving way to housing, buildings, and roadways, very little was known about what happened to the hundreds of miles of streams that meandered through the area. This presentation will cover the origins of the Underground & Piped Stream Mapping Project which created a database of historically mapped streams dating back to 1791, a history of lost streams in D.C., a priority list of streams for daylighting, and concept designs for potential daylighting projects. The Underground & Piped Stream Mapping project was not only a historical research project; rather it was also a planning project for what lies ahead and presenters will share stories about the project and lessons learned from it.
Josh Burch manages stream restoration projects for the District Department of Energy & Environment (DOEE). Josh has held this position since 2009, and has managed the construction of over 15,000ft of urban stream and has over 40,000ft of projects currently under designs. When not at DOEE Josh is usually taking his children to soccer or basketball games, biking, fishing, gardening, or rambling on to anyone who will listen about why D.C. should be a state. Josh holds a bachelor's degree in Public and Urban Affairs from Virginia Tech and served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Ghana, working on water & sanitation issues.
Joe Arrowsmith is an award-winning ecosystem restoration designer passionate about the role of natural resources in the lands that we share. He seeks to re-imagine urban landscapes to feature nature-based approaches that will improve resilience, reduce flood risk, and support restoration of environmental resources. His mission is to pursue and support generational investments towards a more resilient future. Joe is the Director of Ecosystem Restoration at Straughan Environmental, in Columbia, Maryland. He oversees a team of engineers, scientists, and planners supporting stream, wetland, shoreline, and urban daylighting projects. He holds a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Virginia Tech, and a master’s degree in Environmental Engineering and Science from Johns Hopkins University.
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