Sustainable Financing
Most state wetland programs are funded through a combination of state and federal sources. Securing sustained funding is always challenging, particularly during times when states are cutting budgets in response to reduced tax revenue. State wetland program managers do work actively to find funding sources. For example, every year one or more states try to increase permit fees to cover increasing program costs. But formal actions to secure additional funding may or may not be successful.
State and Tribal wetland programs have to pay for personnel, lab monitoring supplies, travel, contractual work, data management, mapping, website maintenance, outreach & education, training, permitting (e.g. site visits, applications), vehicles for field work, overhead expenses, grant administration, and other costs. Because a state has limited funds for its environmental programs, the state’s (or tribal) wetland programs often seek to identify additional sources of funding. To do this, sometimes a state wetland program may partner with another agency on a grant, where each agency gets part of the funding. EPA’s State Wetland Development Grant program has been an important source of support for many state wetland programs. But one of the challenges is that State Wetland Development Grants cannot be used for implementation; funds can only be used for program development, e.g. writing regulations but not issuing permits. Thus, most state wetland programs have funding that comes from multiple sources.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) has measured wetland losses for half a century and subsequently produced periodic Status and Trends studies on the nation's wetlands. These reports are an important resource in understanding the quantity and quality of the nation’s wetlands. Some states have chosen to develop their own Wetland Status and Trends reports to further understand the health of their wetland resources and changes occurring over time.
Status and Trends Report for the Year 2010
Delaware Wetlands: Status and Trends from 2007-2017
Status and Trends of Wetlands and Deepwater in Minnesota: 2006 to 2020
Wetlands Status and Trend Analysis of New York State Mid-1980's to Mid-1990's
Federal Funding Publications & Resources:
- Funding Wetland Projects Fact Sheet (U.S. EPA)
- Sources of Support for Tribal Wetland Programs (U.S. EPA)
- U.S. EPA State/Tribal/Local Wetlands Grant Program
- U.S. EPA 5 Star Restoration Program
- State Revolving Fund (SRF) and Wetlands (U.S. EPA)
- Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed Protection
- Other Wetland Grant Information
Other Useful Resources:
Other Useful Publications:
- Crafting Wetland Program Plans to Increase the Likelihood of Securing Appropriated Funds and Grants (UNC Environmental Finance Center)
- Wetland Program Plans as a Sustainable Finance Tool (UNC Environmental Finance Center)
NAWM Resources: