The Wetland Mapping Consortium (WMC), founded in 2008, is an interdisciplinary group of wetland scientists and managers interested in mapping and monitoring wetlands with remotely sensed images and/or using the resultant products to best manage wetland resources. The WMC Steering Committee organizes regular webinars on topics of interest to the group.
Guiding Principles and Action Items
Overall goal: To strategically enhance awareness of geospatial tools, techniques and datasets that have the potential to significantly improve wetland mapping, monitoring and functional assessments at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
What does WMC do? WMC fosters collaborations and disseminates information for the purpose of enhanced wetland mapping, assessment and monitoring. By leveraging public-private partnerships WMC develops and supports cooperative, synergistic, interdisciplinary research funding proposals and projects that overcome limitations of a single institution or agency.
Expected benefits and outcomes: Accurate wetland mapping, wetland monitoring, and assessment of wetland conditions and functions are vital to the success of wetland management and policy efforts. The technology involved in these tasks is evolving rapidly. Enhanced communication amongst and between scientists, policy specialists and managers is necessary to improve awareness of new remote sensing and other geospatial tools and techniques capable of solving many of our most intractable wetland management challenges. Enhanced communication will prevent duplication of efforts and allow the leveraging of resources and expertise.
Who are the parties involved? The WMC is an interdisciplinary group of scientists and managers interested in remote sensing and geospatial analysis techniques for enhanced mapping and monitoring of wetlands and wetland functions.
For more information on this group, please view or download this PDF file.
Information on upcoming WMC webinars and past webinar materials can be viewed here.