The National Association of Wetland Managers is a nonprofit membership organization established in 1983 to promote and enhance protection and management of wetland resources, to promote application of sound science to wetland management efforts and to provide training and education for our members and the public. Membership is open to anyone who is involved with wetland resources.
Adaptation & Resiliency for the Advancement of Wetland Science, Policy and Practice
We thank your for joining us for ASWM’s Annual State/Tribal/Federal Coordination Meeting, held virtually April 12-15, 2021. The purpose of this annual meeting was to support state and tribal wetland program managers, and other wetland professionals as they respond to challenges in the coming year. This year’s annual meeting was dedicated to the memory and legacy of ASM’s founder, Dr. Jon A. Kusler, Esq.
Focus Areas for This Year’s Meeting Include:
Agenda can be downloaded here. (Posted 4/7/21)
See Meeting Materials Here (Includes Biographies; Abstracts)
Please see our Sponsor Exhibit page for more information.
Thank you to our Osprey Sponsor!
Thank you to our Loon Sponsor!
Thank you to our Kingfisher Sponsors!
Contact Information
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Marla Stelk, ASWM Executive Director, at or by phone at 207-892-3399.
The Wetland Mapping Consortium (WMC), founded in 2008, is an interdisciplinary group of wetland scientists and managers interested in mapping and monitoring wetlands with remotely sensed images and/or using the resultant products to best manage wetland resources. The WMC Steering Committee organizes webinars on topics of interest to the group.
For more information and/or to join our email list for notices about upcoming events, please contact Laura Burchill at or (207) 892-3399.
View Past Wetland Mapping Consortium Webinars Here
View a List of Wetland Mapping Consortium Webinar Recordings Here
National Association of Wetland Managers - Staff
Marla Stelk, Executive Director (
Marla is the Executive Director at the National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) where she has worked on wetland policy and management issues since 2013. Marla has over 25 years of experience working on wetland, water, and wildlife issues, climate change, environmental policy and research, land use planning, communications and organizational leadership. Marla has led research at NAWM on topics such as ecosystem service valuation for wetland restoration, the role of wetlands in floodplain and natural hazard management, wetlands and watershed health, wetland mapping and communications. Prior to coming to NAWM, Marla worked for a variety of environmental and social nonprofit organizations helping to build organizational capacity, manage projects and improve internal processes. Marla earned her MA in Community Planning and Development with a focus on Land Use and the Environment at the University of Southern Maine’s Muskie School of Public Service and her BA in Environmental Issues from Colorado College.
Portia Osborne, Assistant Director (
Portia is the Assistant Director at the National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM). In this role, she helps to implement the mission and vision of NAWM and, in coordination with the Executive Director, oversees the day-to-day operations of the organization. Portia has been with NAWM since 2022, during which time she has worked on various projects to build the capacity of state and Tribal wetland programs across the country. She coordinates overall project schedules, tracks project deadlines and outputs, delivers workshops and trainings, facilitates and coordinates various work groups, and moderates webinars. Before coming to NAWM, Portia spent a decade working in environmental consulting, during which time she conducted natural resource assessments and wetland delineations and prepared state and federal-level permit applications for transportation, oil and gas, and renewable energy projects located across the country. Portia earned her MS in Ecology and BS in Environmental Biology from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF). Outside of work, she enjoys spending time with her family, chasing her kids at the beach, finding interesting wetlands to visit, and reading a good book.
Donna Downing, Senior Legal Policy Advisor (
Donna Downing is the Senior Legal Policy Advisor at the National Association of Wetland Managers. Donna was the Jurisdiction Team Leader in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds from 2007-2020. Donna worked on a variety of issues at EPA, with a focus in recent years on the geographic scope of the Clean Water Act (CWA) in light of the U.S. Supreme Court decisions. She also served as EPA’s staff lead for CWA section 401 water quality certification, and on wetland-related legal issues. Prior to joining EPA in 1998, Donna worked for the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment and in private law practice. She has a BA magna cum laude from Harvard University, an MPP from the University of California at Berkeley, a JD cum laude from Georgetown University Law School, and an LLM in Environmental Law summa cum laude from George Washington University Law School. Donna has been an adjunct professor at George Washington University Law School since 1996, teaching environmental law. In what’s left of her time, she moonlights as a professional potter and an unprofessional horse trainer. Donna also enjoys traveling and has traveled by reindeer sled in the Swedish Arctic, gone winter camping with dog sleds in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Wilderness Area, and bicycled the Burma Road in China.
Jeff Lapp, Senior Science Policy Advisor (
Jeff is our Senior Science Policy Advisor here at NAWM. Prior to joining us he spent over 32 years with the Environmental Protection Agency, primarily in the wetlands program. Starting out in the wetlands enforcement program in Region 3, he conducted many wetland inspections and has testified as both an expert and fact witness in civil and criminal federal cases. For the past 12 years, Jeff has been the Chief of the Wetlands Branch at EPA Region 3 overseeing both the regulatory and non-regulatory wetlands programs, the oceans disposal program and the Watershed Resource Registry (a Geospatial tool to identify potential restoration and preservation sites.) He has also had a host of acting positions including the Deputy Director for the Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division, the Deputy Director for the Office of Public Affairs, the Wetlands Regulatory Branch Chief at EPA Head Quarters and the Wetlands Technical Enforcement Lead at EPA Head Quarters. His technical skills include conducting wetlands identification training for both novice and experienced delineators from state and federal programs. In addition to teaching wetlands delineation, he has taught cases in hydric soils and plant identification and been a guest lecturer at Penn and Temple University on wetlands and horticultural issues. An avid botanist and horticulturalist, Jeff designed and constructed the EPA exhibit at the Philadelphia Flower Show for 29 years earning several awards including best of show, gold and silver medals, the Buckley medal, American Horticultural Society award, and the Chicago Horticultural Society awards to name a few. At his home, he raises a multitude of plants including Sarracenia, Rhododendrons, Hosta and a host of other rare and unusual species in his greenhouse and shade houses. When not working for NAWM or messing with his plants he like to ride bike, hike, cook and sip a spot of wine!
Ian Grosfelt, Environmental Analyst (
Ian is an Environmental Analyst with NAWM wearing a variety of hats and working on a variety of projects. He has a BS in Agriculture from Cornell University and a Masters of Environmental Management from the Yale School of the Environment. Ian has a decade of experience working in environmental fields starting as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Senegal and continuing with environmental education organizations throughout New England as a facilitator, school gardener, and trainer. He is also trained in data analysis and geospatial mapping and has a passion for using these tools to further effective conservation. For side projects you can find Ian trying (and hopefully keeping) his hand at woodworking, biking new routes in Maine and building up a kitchen repertoire.
Dawn Smith, Communications Specialist (
Dawn works on multimedia projects, focusing on webinars and short videos. After working in the corporate world for several years, she is redirecting creative energies towards social media, documentaries and short film communication formats. A lifetime resident of Maine, she has an appreciation for the preservation of local heritage and natural treasures, primarily from behind the lens. Working with the National Association of Wetland Managers, she has gained a greater appreciation for the local and national efforts to preserve and rebuild the wetland ecosystems that are all around us.
Marti Northover, Accounting and Human Resources Manager (
Marti Northover is the NAWM Accounting and Human Resources Manager. Marti has over 30 years of professional experience in accounting, logistics and advertising. Marti has an undergraduate degree in Geography from Framingham State University in Framingham, MA and Master's degree in Environmental Science from Clark University in Worcester, MA. Professionally Marti has taught environment related courses at colleges in MA, was owner of an historic inn, worked as the Director of Accounting and HR at a logistic company in MA and a homeless shelter in ME. Six years ago Marti moved to Alfred, ME, where she lives with her husband Vernon, enjoying the lake life and her chickens, ducks and nice garden. Currently Marti is the Treasurer of the Parson’s Memorial Library Board of Trustees and is an Associate Member of Alfred Conservation Commission.
Laura Burchill, Office Manager (
Laura is the Office Manager in the Windham office and has been with the Association since 2004. She is responsible for maintaining the membership information; assisting with the many tasks involved in preparing for webinars and workshops, preparing Association publications as well as general office duties. She has 30+ years’ experience in graphic design and also works part-time for Parent & Family, a local publication. She lives in Windham, Maine with her husband Dave and their canine companion Jay.
Sharon Weaver, Webmaster (
Sharon is the Publications Specialist and Webmaster for the Association in the Berne, New York office, where she has worked for the past 20+ years. Along with general office tasks, she works on the layout and design of Association publications, reports, and brochures. She helps coordinate NAWM workshops and symposia. She manages the NAWM website, which includes daily updates and prepares and designs new webpages. When she is not entertaining company, she enjoys some alone time with her husband, Ken, and grown children Karla and Pieter. She adores her dog and cat, who complete the family nest.
Justin Farino (
Justin is an Administrative Assistant for NAWM and works closely with the Office Manager and others to support NAWM’s staff with a variety of tasks and projects. Graduating from Georgia Southern University with a degree in Political Science, he promptly put it to good use by working in construction management, ultimately moving to South Korea to teach English to kindergarteners. Now back in the States, Justin is pursuing a J.D. at Maine Law, seeking to focus in Environmental and Human Rights Laws. Justin enjoys self-identifying as a photographer, red wine connoisseur, and outdoor enthusiast, but does not claim to be particularly proficient at any of them.
The National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) was founded by Jon A. Kusler, Esq., Ph.D., and Scott Hausmann in 1983 with two goals — to support state wetland programs and to support national wetland policy reflecting sound wetland science. NAWM has tried to stay true to these goals throughout the years, during the ups and downs of funding and politics.
Jon and Scott created the Association with no staff and no budget. NAWM’s first national meeting in 1983 was hosted by Richard Haman and the University of Florida College of Law. To their surprise and delight, over 120 wetland managers and scientists attended. The quality and enthusiasm of the attendees was striking. Most did not know each other prior to the meeting but many emerged friends. Many who attended that first meeting in Florida also continue as wetland advocates and mentors.
This was the first of many workshops NAWM conducted with a broad range of federal agencies such as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Other partners have included the Association of State Floodplain Managers, Society of Wetland Scientists, Association of Clean Water Administrators, Coastal States Organization, National Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, and the Environmental Law Institute.
Hundreds of symposia, workshops, publications, webpages, and webinars later, NAWM has established a national presence and is looked to by states, tribes, and other organizations for leadership in matters of national wetland policy, applying sound science, interpreting and implementing the Clean Water Act and related programs, restoring aquatic systems, and facilitating transfer of knowledge among peers and government agencies.
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The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) is the main piece of federal legislation that protects the Nation's waters. Within the CWA, there are a number of sections that specifically address protection or regulation of wetlands. As such, NAWM closely follows all proposed and final CWA rules pertaining to wetlands and uses this webinar series as a vehicle to share timely information regarding any proposed regulatory changes and how they might impact state and tribal wetland programs.
For more information and/or to join our email list for notices about upcoming events, please contact Laura Burchill at or (207) 892-3399.
View a List of Clean Water Act Webinar Recordings Here
Please click on a year below to view past webinars.
Dates: September 16-18, 2025
Location: Denver, CO
Who should attend: The focus of the training is on integrating programs to improve interagency planning and implementation of co-beneficial projects that reduce flood risk and improve water quality, among other benefits. To embed this focus on program integration, states, local community, and Tribal participants will be asked to attend in pairs. Each pair should consist of one individual who works on programs related to Clean Water Act requirements and one individual who works on programs related to natural hazard mitigation. States will participate in the training to deepen their relationship with any communities or Tribes in attendance from their state. Following the two-day workshop, NAWM and ASFPM will continue to work with each cohort to facilitate integration efforts via quarterly calls and webinars. The 2025 training will focus on states, Tribes, and local communities specifically in Western states (AK, AZ, CA, HI, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY).
If you are interested in having your community participate in an upcoming training, please see sign-up information! Return to Integrated Watershed Management
Return to Integrated Watershed Management
Tribal water quality and water resource staff are invited to join us and learn how to enhance your program’s capability to implement Clean Water Act (CWA) programs. The training will address CWA programs including Section 106, Section 319, Section 303(d), water quality standards, and wetlands and will be useful to Tribes who work on these programs or are interested in pursuing Treatment in a similar manner as a State (TAS) status for one or more programs. The training workshop will be targeted to Tribes who conduct water quality monitoring, issue water quality certifications, and address water quality issues, nonpoint source pollution, and impaired waters/TMDLs. Tribal staff from across the country are invited, although there will be a focus on examples and applications for Tribes in the Pacific Northwest.
The Pacific Northwest Tribal Clean Water Act Training is being organized by the National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) and Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota GeoSpatial Services (SMUMN GSS), in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Training Workshop Dates and Location
When: November 17-20, 2025
Where: Tulalip, WA
Venue: Tulalip Resort Casino
10200 Quil Ceda Blvd.
Tulalip, WA 98271
Draft agenda outline is provided below. The full agenda will be posted when available.
The training workshop is open to Tribal water quality and water resource staff. There is no cost to attend the training. Registration will open in March 2025.
A block of hotel rooms is available at the Tulalip Resort at a rate of $149/night for training workshop attendees for the nights of Sunday (11/16/25) through Wednesday (11/19/25). Hotel room reservations may be made by calling 866-716-7162 and providing the group name "NAWM CWA Training." Reservations must be made by October 16, 2025.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance will be available to assist with travel and lodging costs. More information will be provided soon.
For More Information
If you have questions or would like to be included on the mailing list for the training, please reach out to Portia Osborne, NAWM Assistant Director, at or (207) 892-3399
The National Association of Wetland Managers (NAWM) holds eight webinars per year for members. NAWM Member webinars cover a variety of topics encompassing wetland science, policy, program implementation, and legal issues. These webinars, including recordings for past webinars are available to NAWM members.
Not a NAWM Member? Join or Renew
For more information about this webinar series, please contact Laura Burchill at or (207) 892-3399.
If you haven’t used Go To Webinar before or you just need a refresher, please view our guide prior to the webinar here.
View Past NAWM Members' Webinar Series Here
View a List of Past NAWM Members' Webinar Series Recordings Here
Ecology and Conservation of the Nation's Spring Ecosystems
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 - 3:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. EST
If you are not a NAWM Member - you may Join here.
- Larry Stevens, Springs Stewardship Institute
During this webinar, Dr. Larry Stevens will clarify the definition of spring ecosystems and their emergence, distribution, abundance, and structure. He will discuss the past century of effort to classify springs, and present a simple geomorphological solution to that challenge. He will describe and illustrate their outstanding biological diversity and socio-cultural attributes, including their high level of individuality and complex roles as keystone ecosystems and cultural and economic focal points. He will challenge the audience to consider why, with all of their importance, springs have received so little attention from policy makers and the scientific community. He will conclude with a discussion of a research and conservation path for sustainably managing these remarkably diverse and important, but underappreciated ecosystems.
Larry Stevens, PhD, is the director of the 501(c)(3) Springs Stewardship Institute (SSI), based in Flagstaff, Arizona and has several decades of research experience in aquatic and riparian ecology. He received his doctorate in zoology from Northern Arizona University in 1989, and has worked for multiple federal agencies and other organizations on topics related to freshwater ecosystem ecology, biogeography, biodiversity and aquatic habitat conservation, and rare species management. With more than 50 years of experience as a whitewater guide in Grand Canyon, he is one of the leading authorities on that world-renowned landscape. He has published more than 150 scientific and popular articles on those topics, as well as several books. He and colleagues founded SSI in 2012 to improve scientific understanding and management of springs as ecosystems.
Certificates of attendance for NAWM's live webinars are free to NAWM members and $25.00 per certificate for non-members. All Certificates must be claimed no later than 60 days from the live presentation. More information.
To view Past Members' Wetland Webinars:
Members You must be logged in.
Nonmembers To view recent Members' Webinars, please join NAWM.
View Past Member' Webinar Series Here
View a List of Past Members' Webinar Series Recordings Here
- Certificate of Attendance -MAWWG-NEBAWWG Webinar Series: Salt Marsh Projects and Programs - December 10, 2024
- Certificate of Attendance -MAWWG-NEBAWWG Webinar Series: Salt Marsh Projects and Programs - December 4, 2024
- Certificate of Attendance: Members' Webinar - October 23, 2024
- Certificate of Attendance: Members' Webinar - September 25, 2024
The Association conducts research and publishes reports, guidebooks, news articles, brochures, white papers, and summaries of findings of symposia and workshops. These are available electronically to all interested individuals and organizations.