The National Association of Wetland Managers is a nonprofit membership organization established in 1983 to promote and enhance protection and management of wetland resources, to promote application of sound science to wetland management efforts and to provide training and education for our members and the public. Membership is open to anyone who is involved with wetland resources.
Wetland Link International - Americas Webinar:
Cómo atraer de forma efectiva visitantes locales a Centros de Humedales
Hosted by the National Association of Wetland Managers
Martes 30 de Mayo de 2017 – 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. EDT (UTC -5)
Resumen del seminario
Muchos sitios de humedales deben trabajar duro para involucrar la comunidad local, proveyendo materiales de comunicación y de publicidad, tratando de hacerlos relevantes para un amplio rango de actores locales. Sin embargo, muchos de nosotros aún tenemos problemas para atraer gente a nuestros humedales, y éste seminario on-line analiza cómo aprender los unos de los otros las mejores formas de hacer que los humedales sean relevantes para la gente de su zona.
Si trabaja en humedales o en educación y sensibilización ambiental en las Américas, Wetland Link International (WLI) Américas y la National Association of Wetland Managers le invitan a participar de éste seminario on-line gratuito. Las presentaciones tratarán sobre las prácticas de participación y las lecciones aprendidas sobre varios aspectos del compromiso ambiental en sitios de humedales, incluyendo casos de estudio de socios de WLI en América del Norte, Central y del Sur. También proporcionaremos traducción consecutiva español-inglés e inglés-español.
Introducción (inglés) - Chris Rostron, Wetland Link International, Reino Unido
Chris gestiona el proyecto global de WLI, una red de apoyo para quienes realizan actividades de educación, participación y sensibilización en centros de educación sobre humedales. Él presentará la red WLI Américas, el tema del seminario y los participantes.
Involucrar a los vecinos (inglés) - Nathalie Bays, Oak Hammock Marsh, Canada
Mantener exposiciones y programación al día puede ser un desafío. Aprenda cómo el Centro de Interpretación Oak Hammock Marsh trabaja para mantener su relevancia para la comunidad local a través de una variedad de programas atractivos.
Uso de las redes sociales para atraer visitantes a su sitio (español) - Daniel Bernal, Wetlands Bogotá, Colombia
Trabajar para mejor involucrar a las personas en los humedales urbanos de la capital de Colombia, Bogotá, ha significado utilizar las redes sociales de diferentes formas para atraer gente. Daniel hablará de lo que funciona y lo que no.
Volando como un águila – El uso de cámaras de animales silvestres para atraer visitantes locales e internacionales (inglés) - John DeFillipo, John Bunker Sands Wetland Center, Texas, US
El Centro John Bunker Sands Wetland tiene una pareja de águilas calvas americanas que nidifica en el sitio y puede ser monitoreada a través una de las cámaras de vida silvestre en nuestro website. El presentador explicará cómo éste servicio atrae visitantes locales e internacionales, así como conservacionistas, para convertirse en la misión de conservación del centro.
El uso de eventos especiales para involucrar el público local en el sitio (español) - Ingrid M. Flores, Coordinadora Regional del Caribe del Día Internacional de las Aves Migratorias y del Festival de Aves Endémicas del Caribe
Todos los años durante la primavera y otoño se celebra el Día Internacional de las Aves Migratorias (DIAM) con eventos y actividades coordinadas entre varios sitios del hemisferio occidental. El DIAM es un proyecto de educación de Environment for the Americas y Birds Caribbean celebra el Festival de Aves Endémicas del Caribe (CEBF) desde 22 de abril (Día de la Tierra) hasta el 22 de mayo (Día de la Biodiversidad). Ingrid hablará sobre cómo planificar y presentar eventos emocionantes e inclusivos en los sitios.
Discusión interactiva
La última parte del seminario estará dedicada a la discusión interactiva, donde lo invitamos a compartir sus experiencias de participación y compromiso de ciudadanos locales en proyectos de protección de humedales.
Chris Rostron es el Administrador del Programa de Wetland Link Interational, basado en Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) en el Reino Unido. Trabaja en éste puesto desde hace seis años. Tiene experiencia en participación y sensibilización de la comunidad en temas ambientales y en desarrollo de redes y tiene un Master en Gestion Ambiental, centrada en la gestion de cuencas hidrográficas.
Nathalie Bays es la Gerente de Operaciones en el premiado Centro de Interpretación Oak Hammock Marsh en Manitoba, Canadá. Originaria de la provincia de Quebec, tiene un BSC en Fauna y un Master en Ciencias de Recursos Naturales. Trabajó como Coordinadora de Educación durante 14 años en el Centro de Interpretación, y ha sido la Gerente por los últimos seis. El Centro de Interpretación Oak Hammock Marsh es un galardonado centro de educación sobre humedales ubicado al norte de Winnipeg, que tiene como misión “Conectar las personas con los humedales”.
John DeFillipo, Director del Centro John Bunker Sands Wetland, es un naturalista con más de 20 años de experiencia integrando conceptos ecological con ideas de negocios. John ha sido un naturalista en el Centro de Educación Ambiental Camp McDowell en Alabama y en el Centro de Educación Ambiental Crow's Neck en Mississippi. En 2002, se convirtió en educador de extensión en el Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Mississippi, donde presentó programas de especies en peligro de extinción, incluyendo cocodrilos vivos. Mientras vivía en Mississippi, John trabajó como presidente de la Alianza de Educación Ambiental de Mississippi y recibió el Premio Educador Ambiental del Año 2008. En 2008 se fue Educador de Ciencias Naturales en el Museo Perot de Naturaleza y Ciencia, antes de convertirse en Director del Centro de Humedal en marzo de 2010. En agosto de 2015, John recibió el Premio al Mejor Líder de la Asociación de Administradores de Centros Naturales (ANCA) Actualmente es Vicepresidente de Desarrollo.
Daniel Bernal es ingeniero electrónico. Socio fundador de la Fundación Humedales Bogotá, Programa REtroCD y Amigo de la Veeduría de la Reserva Van der Hammen; ambientalista, periodista ciudadano y activista ambiental, pajarero, Yoga, Vegetarianismo; vive en un humedal.
La fundación Humedales Bogotá fue ganadora del Premio de la Convención de Ramsar a Jóvenes defensores de los humedales, 2015 y del Premio Colombia en Línea como mejor sitio de investigación en Colombia del año 2012.
Daniel es socio del programa RetroCD, primer programa de recolección de CDs/DVDs para su reciclaje en Latinoamérica y es parte del equipo de comunicaciones de la Red de Amigos de la Veeduría de la Reserva Thomas Van der Hammen.
Ha sido catalogado como: “Los y las ambientalistas de Colombia que debería seguir en twitter en 2016” por Red por la Justicia Ambiental en Colombia.
Columnista en la celebración de los 130 años del Diario El Espectador con el artículo: “Los humedales de Bogotá: un oasis en la gran ciudad”
Ingrid M. Flores es bióloga de vida silvestre con experiencia en investigación, enseñando ciencia y trabajando con el público. Ingrid también es gerente de proyectos y bióloga de vida silvestre en el Programa de Conservación de Tortugas Marinas de Palmas del Mar Resort en Humacao, Puerto Rico.
Ingrid coordina las actividades de CEBF y DIAM en el Caribe, trabajando con más de 30 coordinadores desde Bermuda hasta Bonaire. Esto implica ayudar a los coordinadores a planificar sus actividades, facilitar su trabajo con los medios locales, distribuir materiales de educación y divulgación sobre las aves del Caribe y el tema del festival a la red de coordinadores. Ingrid tiene un diploma MS en Manejo Ambiental y trabajó como profesora adjunta al Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Tecnologías de la Universidad del Turabo en Gurabo, Puerto Rico, donde enseñó biología a estudiantes de pregrado.
Basado en la demanda: Opción de traducción consecutiva en tiempo real entre inglés y español
De acuerdo con la cantidad de solicitudes, podemos ofrecer la opción de presentar el webinario con traducción consecutiva entre español e inglés. Este servicio debe ser preparado con bastante tiempo de anticipación, por lo que necesitamos que nos comunique si le interesa participar del seminario escuchando la traducción del audio en español.
"Cuando haga click en el botón de registro, se le solicitará completar la siguiente información usando éstas palabras en inglés: "First Name" (Nombre);"Last Name" (Apellido); "Email Address (Correo electrónico) y "Organization" (Organismo).
A Legal Analysis of the Clean Water Act § 401 Proposed Rule
Held Friday, September 20, 2019 - 3:00-5:00 pm Eastern
Marla Stelk, Executive Director, Association of State Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Royal C. Gardner, Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, Stetson University College of Law [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Mark A. Ryan, Principal, Ryan & Kuehler PLLC [PRESENTATION PDF]
- James M. McElfish, Jr., Senior Attorney, Environmental Law Institute [PRESENTATION PDF]
On Thursday, August 22, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) proposed rule for changes to Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 was published in the Federal Register. The EPA has only provided a 60-day public comment period - comments are due on or before Monday, October 21, 2019 – however, EPA has requested feedback on over 130 questions. CWA § 401 is a direct grant of authority to states (and tribes that have been approved for “treatment as a state” status) to review for compliance with appropriate federal, state, and tribal water quality requirements any proposed activity that requires a federal license or permit and may result in a discharge to waters of the United States. The proposed rule has significant legal and policy implications for states’ rights to protect their water quality within their own boundaries. To assist states, tribes and others in understanding the potential legal concerns surrounding the proposed rule, ASWM has invited three of the nation’s top Clean Water Act attorneys to provide a history of significant court cases regarding § 401, its use by states and tribes, and a legal analysis of the proposed rule and potential impacts.
Royal C. Gardner
Gardner provided a history of state water quality certification provisions, beginning with the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970. He discussed the key U.S. Supreme Court cases that interpret Clean Water Act Section 401 (PUD No. 1 of Jefferson County v. Washington Department of Ecology and S.D. Warren Co. v. Maine Board of Environmental Protection), as well as other cases mentioned in the proposed rulemaking. He will also highlight significant aspects of the proposed rule: time limitations on state certification decisions; restrictions on the scope of what states may consider in the certification process; and federal agency review (and possible rejection) of state certification decisions.
Mark A. Ryan
Mark discussed the administrative process EPA is required to follow to promulgate a final rule, how the likely litigation will play out and the possibility of Congress invoking the Congressional Review Act. Mark also discussed how this effort fits into other CWA reform efforts by the Trump administration.
James M. McElfish, Jr.
James discussed the reliance by many states on 401 as a basis for wetlands regulatory programs; the various types of conditions that states have applied to 401 certifications to protect water quality in the context of federal licenses and permits and what limitations the proposed rule would place on such conditions; and the potential impacts of the proposed rule on enforceability of state conditions.
Royal C. Gardner is Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law. He is an internationally recognized expert in wetland law and policy. Recent projects include serving as the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, testifying before a World Bank arbitration panel, advising the Government of Oman regarding wetland policy, and coauthoring amicus briefs on behalf of environmental scientists. In WOTUS-related litigation, he has filed amicus briefs in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and in the U.S. District Courts for the District of North Dakota and the Southern District of New York.
Mark Ryan is an Attorney with Ryan & Kuehler PLLC in Winthrop, Washington where he has a national and regional practice that focuses on Clean Water Act (CWA) counseling and litigation, water rights and land-use issues. Prior to Ryan & Kuehler, Mr. Ryan spent 24 years as an EPA trial attorney, where he was one of EPA's leading experts on the CWA. He has published and spoken extensively on the CWA, and he is the long-standing editor of the American Bar Association’s Clean Water Act Handbook. He received his B.S. in natural resources from the University of Michigan and his law degree from Indiana University School of Law (cum laude), where he was an editor of the Indiana Law Journal. Mr. Ryan's Clean Water Act Blog, where he provides summaries of recent developments under the CWA, can be viewed at Mr. Ryan can be reached at
James M. McElfish, Jr. is a Senior Attorney; Director with the Environmental Law Institute Sustainable Use of Land Program.
Jim McElfish’s research focuses on development choices and their links to land use, water resources, biological diversity, and infrastructure policy. ELI’s Sustainable Use of Land Program makes connections among laws, policies, taxes, investments, and land use decisions. His work includes research on coastal zone activities, renewable energy siting, enforcement, and conservation outcomes. McElfish served as representative of the natural environment on the American Planning Association’s multi-year Growing Smarter Legislative Guidebook Directorate. McElfish also leads ELI programs on water resources, examining how watersheds and resources can be evaluated, used, conserved, and restored. He is a nationally recognized authority on NEPA and a former litigator in private practice and with the Department of the Interior. McElfish has been an ELI Senior Attorney since 1986.
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Held Tuesday, September 17, 2019 - 3:00-4:30 pm Eastern
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
William Dooley, Policy Analyst, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Todd Mitchell, Swinomish Tribe
- Ryan Emanuel, Ph.D. of North Carolina State University [PRESENTATION PDF]
Todd Mitchell & Nicole Casper, Swinomish Tribe
Using Traditional Ecological Knowledge to Protect Wetlands: The Swinomish Tribe’s Wetlands Cultural Assessment Project
Traditional wetland physical assessments do not adequately identify tribal cultural values of wetlands and thus are not adequately protecting cultural uses. The Swinomish Wetlands Cultural Assessment Project has developed a cultural module that can be incorporated into wetland assessments to better inform wetland protections. Local native knowledge was gathered about the traditional uses of 99 plant species. A cultural module was developed based on the presence of plants in several use categories including: construction, ceremonial, subsistence, medicinal, common use, plant rarity, and place of value for each wetland. The combined score of the cultural and physical modules provides an overall wetland score that relates to proscribed buffer protection widths through the Tribe’s wetland protection law. We hope this innovative method can serve as a model in combining traditional cultural values with scientific methods to help promote the breadth of knowledge our ancestors possessed into modern practical environmental protection.
Ryan Emanuel, North Carolina State University
Water in the Lumbee World: Challenges and opportunities to protecting a culturally significant river and its wetlands in an era of rapid environmental change
The Lumbee (or Lumber) River is a culturally important blackwater stream for the 60,000-member Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. The river, its tributaries, and their adjacent swamps have protected and sustained Lumbee people and their ancestors for countless generations in the Coastal Plain of present-day North Carolina. Recent years have experienced renewal of cultural practices associated with water, the river, and wetlands among Lumbee people, but climate change and development pose threats to culturally-important wetlands and riverine ecosystems. I highlight some of these cultural practices and discuss recent research efforts to assess various threats. I also discuss key public policy tools available to Lumbee people and their tribal government for the protection of cultural landscapes while highlighting the challenges of leveraging policy as a non-federally recognized American Indian tribe. The discussion included recommendations for wetland managers and decision-makers who interact with American Indian tribes and Indigenous groups.
Todd A. Mitchell, swəlítub, a Swinomish Tribal citizen, is the Director of the Swinomish Department of Environmental Protection. He graduated from Dartmouth College (BA, Earth Sciences & Film Studies) and Washington State University (MS, Geology) specializing in hydrogeology, igneous petrology and geochemistry. Todd works for Swinomish as a geologist and indigenous scientist researching the Tribe's water resources including traditional ecological knowledge, tidelands, surface water, groundwater, wetlands, and salmon habitat restoration research.
Ryan E. Emanuel is an Associate Professor and University Faculty Scholar in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources at North Carolina State University. He is an enrolled member of the Lumbee Tribe. Emanuel studies fresh water and biogeochemical cycles in a wide range of upland and wetland environments using fieldwork, modeling, and geospatial analysis. He has published more than 40 peer-reviewed articles on topics ranging from hydrology and ecology to environmental history and policy. Emanuel serves on the environmental justice committee of the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs and works with tribal governments in North Carolina on topics related to the environment, education, and energy. He holds a BS in Geology from Duke University and graduate degrees (MS, PhD) in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia.
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American Wetlands Month Webinar: Can We Keep Up with Changing Estuaries? Moving from Science to Action in San Francisco Bay
Held Wednesday, May 29, 2019 - 3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. EDT
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- William Dooley, Policy Analyst, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- J. Letitia Grenier, PhD, San Francisco Estuary Institute [PRESENTATION PDF]
The scientists, managers, regulators and restoration experts of the San Francisco Bay shore have been working to proactively plan for our future estuary. Over 200 people in this community contributed to a science synthesis of how to restore and maintain valuable tidal marshes, given that current models predict they will "drown" over time. This effort was followed by a regional analysis of nature-based approaches to protect the shoreline, with place-specific mapping for every segment of hundreds of miles of the coast. The approach and conceptual models were designed to be applicable elsewhere, and may be scalable models for other regions.
Letitia Grenier co-directs SFEI's Resilient Landscapes Program. She is the science lead for the 2015 State of the Estuary Report (a SF Estuary Partnership project) and the 2015 update to the Baylands Ecosystem Habitat Goals (a California Coastal Conservancy project), heading a team of over 200 environmental scientists, managers, and regulators to develop science based recommendations for restoring and maintaining the health the Bay's tidal wetlands in the face of rising sea levels and other stressors. Letitia holds a PhD in Conservation Biology from the University of California at Berkeley and has previously worked on investigating bioaccumulation of contaminants in estuarine food webs, the condition of California’s wetlands, and other ecological questions about the Bay and Delta. Her focus now is to work with partners to conserve California's living resources by developing landscape-scale, collaborative, science based visions and solutions.
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Presentations at the Association of State Wetland Managers
2019 Annual State/Tribal/Federal Coordination Meeting
Held Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Integrated Wetland and Stormwater Program
- Brian Wolff, Surface Water, Operations and Enforcement Branch Chief, Indiana Department of Environmental Management
Incorporating Wetlands into Reservoir Rehabilitation Projects for Fisheries and Other Benefits in Nebraska
- Ted LaGrange, Wetland Program Manager, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
Addressing Barriers to Integration of Ecosystem Service Data into Wetland Management Programs
- Elizabeth Byers, Senior Wetland Scientist, West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Brian Wolff serves as the Branch Chief of Surface Water, Enforcement, and Operations for the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. The branch covers Wetlands, Stormwater, MS4’s, as well as enforcement cases and operational duties for all of the water quality division. Prior to joining Water Quality, Brian served 10 years as manager of the Special Projects Section in the Office of Air Quality, and for 5 years evaluated risk assessments in the Office of Land Quality. Brian has a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Indiana University.
Ted Lagrange has worked as the Wetland Program Manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission for 25 years. As Wetland Program Manager he works on a wide variety of wetland issues throughout Nebraska including partnerships, private land restoration programs, public lands management, research, regulations, and outreach. Prior to moving to Nebraska, he worked for 8 years as a Waterfowl Research Technician for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Ted received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Wildlife Biology from Iowa State University. His professional interests are in prairie wetlands and waterfowl/waterbird ecology.
Elizabeth Byers M.S. is a Senior Wetland Scientist with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP). Her current project at WVDEP is developing a combined field and automated-GIS protocol for rapidly assessing the functions of wetlands, which is currently nearing regulatory rollout. Ms. Byers’ education includes an undergraduate degree in Geology from Brown University, Master’s in Hydrology from New Mexico Tech, and additional graduate work in ecology at Oregon State University. Prior to joining state government, Ms. Byers worked for 20 years with non-profits as an ecologist and conservationist in the Himalayas, East African rift, Rocky Mountains, and Appalachians.
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Waters of the U.S.: Interpreting Geographical, State Program and Legal Impacts of Past, Current and Future Definitions
Held Wednesday, February 13, 2019 - 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Eastern
- Marla Stelk, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
On December 11, 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the agencies) signed the proposed “Revised Definition of ‘Waters of the United States’” rule. The agencies’ proposal is the second step in a two-step process to review and revise the definition of “Waters of the United States” (WOTUS) consistent with the February 2017 Presidential Executive Order entitled “Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism, and Economic Growth by Reviewing the ‘Waters of the United States’ Rule.” Interpreting the potential impacts of a revised definition is no easy task, especially given the diversity of aquatic systems and landscapes across the nation, the tremendous diversity of state wetland and water resource programs, the incongruous Supreme Court decisions of the past, and the multiple legal challenges that could potentially continue far into the future.
- Andy Robertson, Executive Director of Geospatial Services at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, will share the results of a project that examines the spatial extent of wetlands and waters that are protected or unprotected under three different Waters of the US definitions; one based on the 2015 Clean Water Rule and two others based on Supreme Court decisions that narrow the scope of federally protected waters. This presentation will also demonstrate the use of ESRI Story Map technology as a communication tool for presenting spatial, text and graphic data to technical and non-technical audiences. [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Les Lemm, Wetlands Section Manager for the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources will present on the relationship of the WOTUS rule to Section 404 assumption, its likely effect in Minnesota, and some perspectives from staff with stand-alone state programs. [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Royal Gardner, Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law, will discuss the legal landscape: an overview of past cases that have influenced the various definitions of WOTUS, an update on current WOTUS-related litigation, and a preview of expected future WOTUS legal challenges.[PRESENTATION PDF]
Andy Robertson is currently Executive Director of GeoSpatial Services at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota. In this role, Andy is responsible for oversight and management of all GeoSpatial Services projects, activities and staff. GeoSpatial Services is engaged in a wide variety of projects across the Lower 48 and Alaska including: wetland inventory; National Hydrography Dataset updates; spatial data development; and, natural resource condition assessments. Andy earned a Forest Technology Diploma from Sault College of Applied Technology in Ontario, Canada, a B.Sc. in Environmental Science from the University of Waterloo and completed postgraduate work in forest management at the University of Toronto. GeoSpatial Services has been a key partner of the USFWS and has been working for over 15 years to update legacy National Wetland Inventory data across the nation. Andy is a steering committee member for the ASWM Wetland Mapping Consortium and is co-chair of the Alaska GeoSpatial Council Wetland Technical Working Group.
Les Lemm is the Wetlands Section Manager for the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. He is responsible for overseeing implementation of the State Wetland Conservation Act, Minnesota’s comprehensive wetland protection law, including a robust wetland banking program. He has a variety of other experience, including working as a charter boat captain on Minnesota’s Lake of the Woods, a natural resource consultant, and the District Manager for the Lake of the Woods Soil and Water Conservation District. Les has a Bachelor’s degree in Natural Resource Management from the University of Minnesota and a Master’s degree in Resource Economics from North Dakota State University.
Royal C. Gardner is Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law. He is an internationally recognized expert in wetland law and policy. Recent projects include serving as the Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands, testifying before a World Bank arbitration panel, advising the Government of Oman regarding wetland policy, and coauthoring amicus briefs on behalf of environmental scientists. In WOTUS-related litigation, he has filed amicus briefs in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, and in the U.S. District Courts for the District of North Dakota and the Southern District of New York.
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Filling Wetland Regulatory Gaps: Approaches and Lessons Learned
Held Friday, November 13, 2020 - 2:00 pm-4:00 pm Eastern
- Brenda Zollitsch, Senior Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Yvonne Vallette, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Denise Clearwater, Maryland Department of the Environment [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Richard Mraz, Washington State Department of Ecology [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Michelle Cook, Kentucky Division of Water [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
This webinar discussed the reasons that regulatory gaps emerge and some of their drivers. Not all states are the same, so the first presentation explores these gaps and options for developing wetland regulatory programs or program elements to fill them. The webinar covered different regulatory regimes at various levels of government. The webinar then move on to examples of wetland regulatory building work in three states (Washington State, Maryland and Kentucky). States shared their regulatory capacity building experiences, explore their drivers for change, what gaps needed to be filled, and the processes they undertook internally to make decisions about their capacity building efforts. The panelists talked about the resources and conditions that were required to make these changes happen. State panelists discussed their outputs and outcomes, sharing what was created, what it has taken to implement it, and what resulted from their efforts. Each panelist ended by answering whether they were able to fill their regulatory gap.
Yvonne Vallette is an Aquatic Ecologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For the last twenty-three years she has worked at EPA Region 10’s Oregon Operations Office in Portland serving as the Region’s coordinator for enhancing State and Tribal Programs. Her work with EPA is focused on the technical and policy aspects of the Clean Water Act (CWA), including Section 404. Her practicable experience includes work in: aquatic resource monitoring and assessment, 404 enforcement, compensatory mitigation, impact analysis, CWA jurisdiction, 404 program assumption, and aquatic resources restoration.
Denise Clearwater has worked in Maryland’s wetland programs since 1986. She has a background in developing and implementing programs in wetland regulation, wetland training, and mitigation, as well as managing special projects for grants and program improvement and assisting in policy development. She has represented the Wetlands and Waterways Program in the Maryland Department of the Environment on numerous interagency work groups for regulatory, wetland monitoring, restoration, preservation and stream health and is a past co-chair of the Chesapeake Bay Program Wetland Work Group. She is also a member of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Denise has a B.S. in zoology from the University of Maryland and an M.S. in wildlife management from Frostburg State College (now University).
Richard Mraz is the Wetland Policy Lead for the Washington Department of Ecology. He is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist who began his career in the wetlands field in Lee County, Florida in 1987. He has worked as a naturalist, field biologist and environmental planner with local, state and federal agencies since 1980. Rick has degrees in Geology, Field Biology and Philosophy.
Michelle Cook is an Environmental Scientist with the Division of Water, within the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection. In her role as Wetlands Program Coordinator, she oversees the development, validation, and implementation of wetland assessment methodologies including the Kentucky Wetland Rapid Assessment Method (KY-WRAM) and indices of biological integrity. Michelle is part of a team of scientists working to develop water quality standards for Kentucky’s wetlands. She has 10 years of experience in the wetlands monitoring and assessment field and holds a M.S. in Biology from Eastern Kentucky University, and a B.S. in Biological Sciences from Northern Kentucky University.
Improving Enforcement in Wetland Regulatory Programs
Held Tuesday, September 29, 2020 - 3:00pm-4:30 pm Eastern
- Brenda Zollitsch, Senior Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Yvonne Vallette, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Stacia Bax, Missouri Department of Natural Resources [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Sara Slater, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
This webinar discussed the need for enforcement mechanisms in wetland regulatory programs. After painting the broader background of need, the webinar shared some of the most common compliance and enforcement tools and their pros, cons and contexts for successful application. The webinar went on to discuss the relationship between states and tribes with the Corps in terms of coordination of enforcement activities. This portion of the webinar explored the different scenarios across the country from the Corps conducting all enforcement in a state to working to actively coordinate state enforcement with multiple districts. The webinar concluded with details about how to build enforcement capacity at the state/tribal level through Wetland Program Plans, specifically how these planning activities can develop systems or be designed to include enforcement in the future.
Yvonne Vallette is an Aquatic Ecologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For the last twenty-three years she has worked at EPA Region 10’s Oregon Operations Office in Portland serving as the Region’s coordinator for enhancing State and Tribal Programs. Her work with EPA is focused on the technical and policy aspects of the Clean Water Act (CWA), including Section 404. Her practicable experience includes work in: aquatic resource monitoring and assessment, 404 enforcement, compensatory mitigation, impact analysis, CWA jurisdiction, 404 program assumption, and aquatic resources restoration.
Stacia Bax is the Environmental Supervisor of the Stormwater and Certification Unit within the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Stacia has nearly 20 years of experience with the department in various areas related to the water program and state parks, with the past 10+ years working with Section 401. For the past 7.5 years, Stacia has coordinated quarterly department-wide wetland meetings, which has helped in the development of the Wetland Program Plan document.
Sara Slater is the 401 Water Quality Coordinator for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Prior to her work at Oregon DEQ, Sara served as Project Manager for Environmental Services Drainage utility in the City of Killeen, Texas. Her other experience includes serving as a program manager for Indiana State Department of Agriculture and Wetlands Project Manager at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Sara earned her MS in Geology from Purdue University in Indiana.
Conducting State/Tribal Review of the 2020 Nationwide Permits
Held Wednesday, September 16, 2020 - 3:00pm-5:00 pm Eastern
- Brenda Zollitsch, Senior Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- David Olson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION] Timeline
- Panel of State Wetland Program Managers
- Dave Davis, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
- Richard Mraz, Washington State Department of Ecology
September 15th and the 60-day review period clock has started ticking. Nationwide Permits (NWPs) authorize certain activities under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is reissuing its existing NWPs and associated general conditions and definitions, with some modifications, as well as five new NWPs. The Corps is requesting comment on all aspects of these proposed nationwide permits. To view the Nationwide Permits in the Federal Register, go here.
This fifth webinar in ASWM’s Regulatory Capacity Building Webinar Series has been developed to help reviewers understand the content of the newly published Nationwides, options in the review process, and considerations related to specific proposed changes. David Olson from the Corps reviewed each of the proposed changes to the general conditions and introduce the five proposed new NWPs. After this content review, he was joined by state panelists who shared their approaches to the review process, specific elements of the proposed changes on which they are planning to comment, and lessons learned from their reviewing experiences in the past. The webinar ended with an opportunity for participants to ask the panel questions.
David Olson is a Regulatory Program Manager at the Headquarters office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has worked for the Corps since 1991, beginning as a Regulatory Project Manager at the Baltimore District, evaluating applications for Department of the Army authorization to do work in waters and wetlands. In 2002, he began working at his current position at Corps Headquarters. His focus areas currently include wetland and stream restoration, the Corps’ nationwide permit program, and Endangered Species Act compliance for Department of the Army permits.
Dave Davis is the Director of the Office of Wetlands & Stream Protection at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality. In this position, he is responsible for Virginia’s independent nontidal wetland regulatory program, non-regulatory wetland programs, and surface water investigation programs. He is DEQ’s lead technical expert on wetland science issues, drafts regulations and guidance on State wetland policy, serves as the liaison with federal agencies regarding 404/401 issues, and manages several federally-funded wetland grants. Prior to joining DEQ in 2001, Dave was a partner in a wetland consulting firm in Richmond. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology (Music minor) from The College of William & Mary and a Master of Environmental Studies degree in Environmental Policy and Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist and a Virginia Certified Professional Wetland Delineator.
Richard Mraz is the Wetland Policy Lead for the Washington Department of Ecology. He is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist who began his career in the wetlands field in Lee County, Florida in 1987. He has worked as a naturalist, field biologist and environmental planner with local, state and federal agencies since 1980. Rick has degrees in Geology, Field Biology and Philosophy.
Communications Strategies and Lessons Learned for Wetland Programs
Held Thursday, August 20, 2020 - 3:00-5:00 pm Eastern
- Brenda Zollitsch, Senior Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Alison Rogerson, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Laura Lapierre, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Mary Ann Tilton, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
This webinar shared communication strategies and examples of their use in practice to strengthen wetland regulatory programs. Participants learned how various techniques can be employed in real-world contexts. Examples included strategies to gather input and build support for new or changing regulations, to work through stakeholder engagement activities, and to improve awareness of and compliance with new requirements. This webinar shared examples from three states actively engaged in this communications work. Presenters shared lessons learned and advice on how to think through and implement this work, as well as insights about common challenges.
Alison Rogerson works for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control’s Wetland Monitoring and Assessment Program which assesses the health of Delaware’s tidal and non-tidal wetlands, investigates shoreline stabilization and wetland restoration methods, and creates usable products to inform and teach stakeholders. Alison has been with DNREC for 12 years and has experience combining wetland science and research with outreach and education to strengthen wetland management and protection in Delaware.
Laura Lapierre, PWS, NHCWS is the Program Manager of the Vermont Wetlands Program for the VT Department of Environmental Conservation and has held this role for nearly 7 years. At VT DEC, Laura is responsible for the management and protection of Vermont’s wetlands through the program’s implementation of the Vermont Wetland Rules, wetland bioassessment projects, wetland restoration work, and aiding in the development of state wetland policy. Laura has a Master’s Degree in Biology from McGill University.
Mary Ann Tilton is the Assistant Wetlands Bureau Administrator with the State of New Hampshire, Department of Environmental Services (NHDES), Wetlands Bureau. She has been with NHDES for over 30 years in various management and supervisory positions. She helped develop the Wetlands Enforcement program and supervised wetlands compliance for 17 years. She has served as the Assistant Administrator since 2005 and oversees state wetlands rules development, program development, and wetlands permitting. She is the recipient of an EPA Merit Award (2019) for development of a Wetlands BMP, multi-year rules initiative, and development of stream crossing rules. She holds a BA degree in Botany and Zoology from Connecticut College, MS in Zoology from University of Rhode Island, and a JD from UNH Law School (formerly Franklin Pierce Law Center), and is a Professional Wetland Scientist (PWS) and member of the Society of Wetland Scientists. She lives with her family in Concord, NH and enjoys hiking in the White Mountains, skiing, and exploring arboretums.
Building Capacity to Protect and Manage Wetlands through the Development of State Wetland Associations
Held Wednesday, June 24, 2020 - 3:00pm-4:30pm
- Brenda Zollitsch, Senior Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Erin O'Brien, Wisconsin Wetlands Association [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Rick Savage, Carolina Wetlands Association [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Kim Matthews, Carolina Wetlands Association [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
This webinar shared how states and tribes can partner with or encourage the development of state wetland associations to enhance the capacity of states and tribes to protect their wetlands. State associations can be valuable partners with states and tribes on a range of activities, ranging from restoration activities and monitoring and assessment to stimulating financial investments and assisting with education and outreach. This webinar shared the experiences of the Wisconsin Wetland Association and the Carolinas Wetland Association, while also sharing some of the interesting connections states have with other associations. The webinar included basic information about what state wetland associations are, what roles they play, lessons learned by two example associations and some lessons learned to help those interested in forming a new state wetland association. The webinar included presentations by both associations, followed by a panel session and Q&A with webinar participants.
Erin O’Brien is the Policy Programs Director for the Wisconsin Wetlands Association (WWA). Since 2004, Erin has overseen the implementation and expansion of WWA's government relations work including lobbying, legislator education, regulatory oversight, local government outreach, and EPA funded wetland program development collaborations with university and municipal partners. Erin has a Master’s degree in Land Resources from University of Wisconsin-Madison. WWA recently celebrated its 50th anniversary. A timeline of its history can be found at
Rick Savage formed the Carolina Wetlands Association nonprofit in 2015 to maintain a public focus on the value of wetlands. He serves as the organization's president. Currently, Carolina Wetlands Association is working with communities to restore wetlands, create community resilience and environmental equity, to mitigate climate change effects and provide additional co-benefits in terms of ecosystem services. Prior to his work with the Carolina Wetlands Association, Rick worked for the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the Division of Water Quality, doing wetlands monitoring research for EPA. Rick worked with EPA scientists and other state scientists to develop the sampling protocols and coordinated regional assessment efforts for the National Wetland Condition Assessment. Rick has an MS in Systems Engineering from Virginia Tech and an MS in Natural Resource Management.
Kim Matthews is the current Vice-President and founding board member of the volunteer-based non-profit organization, the Carolina Wetlands Association. She is also the chair of the Development Committee focusing on outreach, communication, and fundraising. Kim graduated with a B.S. in Biology from Wittenberg University. She received her M.S. in Forestry from North Carolina State University. She has over
20 years of experience in wetland ecology, stormwater management, and watershed assessments. She is currently an environmental scientist with RTI, International where she provides technical support and assistance to federal and state environmental agencies.
Sharing EPA's "Refresh" to the Enhancing State and Tribal Programs (ESTP) Framework
Held Tuesday, March 24, 2020 - 3-5:00 pm ET
Brenda Zollitsch, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Rebecca Dils, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds [INTRO: POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Michael McDavit, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds [INTRO: POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Kerryann Weaver, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Yvonne Vallette, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10[POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Eliodora Chamberlain, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7 [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
This webinar shared information on forthcoming updates to the EPA’s Enhancing State and Tribal Programs (ESTP) Framework. EPA’s ESTP Framework is designed to enhance EPA's delivery of technical and financial support for state and tribal wetlands programs. The overall objective of the ESTP initiative is to accelerate program development on a national scale.
The webinar provided a brief introduction and background on EPA’s ESTP Initiative and how it relates to wetland program planning and capacity building efforts. The webinar then move to presentations on the “refreshes” being made in each of the four core element areas addressed in the ESTP Framework: 1) wetland monitoring and assessment, 2) wetland regulation, 3) wetland water quality standards, and 4) voluntary wetland restoration and protection. The webinar encourages states and tribes to utilize the framework as a planning tool to build state and tribal wetland program capacity. The webinar ended with an invitation for state and tribal wetland staff to participate in ASWM’s capacity building National Dialogues and an overview of ASWM resources around this topic.
Rebecca Dils is a long-time employee of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and has worked as a regional and state liaison in numerous programs including Toxic Release Inventory Community Right-to-Know, State & Local Comparative Risk, Coalition to Restore Urban Waterways, and Indiana’s eCnter for Urban Policy and the Environment. One of her favorite projects was being a team leader for the Conservation Core and At-Risk Youth Environmental Program in Richmond, California. She is currently working on the ESTP Wetlands Program with a zeal for the Voluntary Restoration & Protection Core Element.
Michael McDavit is currently the Chief of the Program Development and Jurisdiction Branch, Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. His unit oversees “Waters of the US” jurisdictional matters under the Clean Water Act and administers technical/financial assistance for enhancing state and tribal aquatic resource programs. His team is currently working on a number of rulemaking projects, including Waters of the US (WOTUS) definition rulemaking, state and tribal 404 permitting regulations, and guidance/regulation on the section 401 water quality certification process. Mike holds a BS in Environmental Science from the University of Wisconsin at Green Bay and a MPA from The George Washington University. His 37-year federal career has spanned many environmental functions, including regulation of pesticides, management of hazardous waste, and air and water pollution control.
Kerryann Weaver is an Environmental Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Region 5 Office in Chicago. She works in the Watersheds and Wetland Branch of the Water Division. Kerryann is involved with Clean Water Act Section 404 permit review and enforcement, as well as wetland mitigation banking, wetland program contract and grant review and management. Kerryann managed the development of the Wetland Supplement.
Yvonne Vallette is an Aquatic Ecologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For the last twenty-three years she has worked at EPA Region 10’s Oregon Operations Office in Portland serving as the Region’s coordinator for enhancing State and Tribal Programs. Her work with EPA is focused on the technical and policy aspects of the Clean Water Act (CWA), including Section 404. Her practicable experience includes work in: aquatic resource monitoring and assessment, 404 enforcement, compensatory mitigation, impact analysis, CWA jurisdiction, 404 program assumption, and aquatic resources restoration.
Dr. Eliodora Chamberlain graduated with a B.S. in Zoology from the University of California, Davis. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. in Wildlife Behavior and Physiological Ecology from the University of Missouri-Columbia in the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences and the USGS Fish and Wildlife Cooperative Research Extension Unit.
After working 17 years in wildlife research, US Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service, she started working for the US EPA Region 7 in 2005. She works in the Watersheds and Grants Branch in the Water Division as a Wetlands and Streams Biologist and wears several hats. She is the Lead Regional Coordinator for ESTP & NWCA, and is the Regional Team Leader for the CWA 404 Regulatory section.
When she is not working for the EPA, she is a Canine Search Specialist with FEMA’s Missouri Task Force 1 Urban Search and Rescue Canine Team, a FEMA K9 Lead Evaluator, and a FEMA K9 Instructor. She currently has a FEMA certified disaster search and rescue dog, Phoenix, and is currently training her pup, Raven, to be a future FEMA disaster search and rescue dog.
Introduction to Wetland Program Plans (WPPs)
Held Friday, February 21, 2020 - 3:00-5:00 pm EST
Brenda Zollitsch, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Yvonne Vallette, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 10 [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Richard Mraz, Washington State Department of Ecology [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Stacia Bax, Missouri Department of Natural Resources [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
- Brenda Zollitsch, Association of State Wetland Managers [POWERPOINT PRESENTATION]
This first webinar in ASWM’s Wetland Regulatory Capacity Building Webinar Series focused on the use of Wetland Program Plans (WPPs) as a tool that can help states and tribes identify and plan capacity building efforts. WPPs focus on four core elements – wetland regulation, wetland monitoring and assessment, wetland water quality standards, and voluntary wetland restoration, but can include other efforts as well. In the first presentation, the webinar shared how WPPs can be used as one of (many) different capacity building tools and explain the components and expectations around their development. Next, the webinar shared examples of two state WPPs, each taking a different approach to fulfilling the required elements of a WPP. The webinar shares additional benefits of WPPs, including improved coordination with partners, measurable objectives to guide and track ongoing work and access to funding sources, including EPA Wetland Program Development Grants (WPDGs). The webinar concluded with an invitation to engage in ASWM’s national dialogues and share upcoming project resources that may be useful to states and tribes seeking to build the capacity of their wetland programs.
Yvonne Vallette is an Aquatic Ecologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). For the last twenty-three years she has worked at EPA Region 10’s Oregon Operations Office in Portland serving as the Region’s coordinator for enhancing State and Tribal Programs. Her work with EPA is focused on the technical and policy aspects of the Clean Water Act (CWA), including Section 404. Her practicable experience includes work in: aquatic resource monitoring and assessment, 404 enforcement, compensatory mitigation, impact analysis, CWA jurisdiction, 404 program assumption, and aquatic resources restoration.
Rick Mraz is the Wetland Policy Lead for the Washington Department of Ecology. He is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist who began his career in the wetlands field in Lee County, Florida in 1987. He has worked as a naturalist, field biologist and environmental planner with local, state and federal agencies since 1980. Rick has degrees in Geology, Field Biology and Philosophy
Stacia Bax is the Environmental Supervisor of the Stormwater and Certification Unit within the Missouri Department of Natural Resources. Stacia has nearly 20 years of experience with the department in various areas related to the water program and state parks, with the past 10+ years working with Section 401. For the past 7.5 years, Stacia has coordinated quarterly department-wide wetland meetings, which has helped in the development of the Wetland Program Plan document.
View Past Wetland Regulatory Capacity Building Webinars Here
2021 |
View a List of Wetland Regulatory Capacity Building Webinar Recordings Here
Wetland Link International Americas Webinar:
Evaluation of environmental awareness-raising activities at wetland sites
Held Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. EDT
We spend a lot of time in our professional and voluntary capacities working with local communities, wetland practitioners and private sector partners to increase awareness through environmental education and other activities. But do we know how effective these activities are in leading to positive environmental changes in both individual behavior and conservation action at the site? Just as importantly, can we demonstrate this to participants, funders and project partners so they can see how our activities are influencing behavior and resulting in improvements in wetland protection or other environmental outcomes. Evaluation often is forgotten at the end of a project, but it is an essential part of improving our future work, for better outcomes for our own organizations and networks.
This webinar used practical, easy to use examples of how to evaluate, based on tried and tested techniques from partners across the Americas. The webinar was available in both English and Spanish, and will include time for discussion after the presentations.
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PPRESENTATION PDF]
Introductory Remarks
Chris Rostron, Wetland Link International, UK
Chris manages the WLI global project, a support network for those delivering education, engagement and awareness-raising activities at wetland education centers. [PRESENTATION PDF]
Ethel Wilkerson, Manomet. (USA)
Building practical evaluation techniques into your project. [PRESENTATION PDF]
Ethel works with program managers to establish developmental evaluation across the varied programs of Manomet including wetland conservation, climate smart forest management, and grocery stewardship. With metrics that measure incremental progress towards outcomes, development evaluation allows for real-time feedback and program adjustment during implementation.
Susan Bonfield, Environment for the Americas. (USA)
Evaluating the needs or minority ethnic communities to encourage access to protected natural areas. [PRESENTATION PDF]
In the US, minority ethnic groups are often under-represented in the visitors to protected natural areas. Susan has worked on looking at interviews with these groups to establish perceptions towards wild areas and what the barriers to visitation might be.
Sebastián Saiter / Ricardo Matus, Patagonian Ecological Association. (Punta Arenas, CHILE)
"Tres Puentes wetland, valuation of a natural classroom for conservation". [PRESENTATION PDF]
The Association is composed of people from different professions, students and children, who share the purpose of preserving and understanding species that inhabit the urban natural reserves of Patagonia. This interdisciplinary and trans-generations team has been evaluated on their working lines looking the community involvement to wetland conservation. Born in 2007, it has focused its work with neighbours and local schools. It is part of the Patagonia Natural Reserves Network.
Interactive Discussion
The last segment of the webinar will host an interactive discussion where you are invited to share your experiences in evaluation of projects.
Based on Demand - Option for Real Time Spanish-English Translation
Based on the amount of demand, we have the option to hold the webinar with consecutive translation between Spanish and English. This translation service must be arranged well in advance of the presentation date, so if you are interested in participating while listening to Spanish translation, please contact
Sebastián Saiter is a Punta Arenas-born naturalist and birder. Since childhood he showed a passion for discovering Nature and exploring the landscapes of Chilean Patagonia. He studied Adventure Tourism, and is an active member of NGO Agrupacion Ecologica Patagonica, involved in projects to protect wetlands, urban parks and reserves: he works on environmental education projects with children, in both private and public schools in the area.
Ricardo Matus is a naturalist who participates in research and conservation projects in the extreme south of Patagonia. During last ten years he has been working in the reproductive biology and conservation actions of the Ruddy-headed goose and also developing a study in the Magellanic plover in his breeding area.
Partnering with Beaver to Benefit Sage Grouse and Working Lands: Restoring Emerald Islands in the Sagebrush Sea
Held Wednesday, July 26, 2017 - 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Eastern
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Jeremy Maestas, Sagebrush Ecosystem Specialist, USDA-NRCS West National Technology Support Center,
Portland, OR - Dr. Joe Wheaton, Professor, Watershed Sciences Department, Utah State University, Logan, UT
In the arid sagebrush ecosystem of the American West, wetlands and other mesic habitats—such as riparian areas and wet meadows—comprise less than 2% of the landscape yet they are disproportionately important to people and wildlife. As summer heat dries out soils in sagebrush uplands, species like sage grouse—along with livestock and many other wildlife species—follow the green line seeking out wetter, more productive areas. These mesic habitats serve as grocery stores providing nutritious forage, including the protein-rich forb and insect foods that help newly hatched sage grouse chicks grow and thrive. With roughly three quarters of mesic areas in private ownership, western ranchers play an integral role in conserving these vital resources. Recently, the NRCS-led Sage Grouse Initiative launched a campaign across 11 western states to accelerate protection, restoration, and enhancement of mesic habitats. Restoration opportunities abound but techniques that are relatively simple, low cost, and effective are needed to engage more landowners and partners in conservation at ecologically meaningful scales. Increasingly, ranchers and agencies in the west are learning to partner with beaver as a ‘cheap and cheerful’ alternative for achieving a myriad of desired outcomes. This webinar discussed recent partner efforts to scale up riparian and wet meadow restoration with private landowners in sage grouse habitats, and in particular, how Beaver Dam Analogues (BDAs) and other beaver-assisted techniques are being employed as a low-cost restoration tool to boost habitat resilience for wildlife and working lands.
Jeremy Maestas is the national NRCS Sagebrush Ecosystem Specialist responsible for helping NRCS staff and partners put science into practice through strategic habitat conservation delivery in sagebrush ecosystems across the western U.S. He grew up in Nevada and went on to earn B.S. and M.S. degrees in Wildlife Biology from Colorado State University. Much of his career has focused on sustaining working landscapes in desert ecosystems, where his contributions have included implementation of large-scale strategic approaches to reducing conifer encroachment, wildfire and invasive species threats, and scaling-up mesic habitat conservation.
Joe Wheaton is an Associate Professor at Utah State University and a fluvial geomorphologist with over a decade of experience in river restoration, including working with beaver in restoration. Joe runs the Ecogeomorphology & Topographic Analysis Lab at Utah State U. and is a leader in the monitoring and modeling of riverine habitats and watersheds. He is the co-director of the Intermountain Center for River Rehabilitation & Restoration. He worked four years in consulting engineering before completing his B.S. in Hydrology (2003, UC Davis), M.S. and Ph.D. in Hydrologic Sciences (2003, UC Davis; 2008, U. of Southampton, UK). He has worked as a lecturer (U. of Wales 2006-08), Research Assistant Professor (Idaho State U. 2008-09) and is an Assistant Professor at Utah State U. (2009-present) where he teaches GIS, Fluvial Hydraulics and Ecohydraulics.
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Held Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Eastern
- Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Jan Goldman-Carter, National Wildlife Federation
- Virginia Albrecht, Hunton and Williams, LLP
- Royal C. Gardner, Stetson University, College of Law [PRESENTATION PDF]
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Army (Army) are carrying out a two-step process to revise Clean Water Act Jurisdiction. The first step is to repeal the Clean Water Rule regulation finalized by EPA and the Army in the spring of 2015 and replace it with the 1986 rule previously in place in conjunction with the Rapanos guidance. Essentially this step formally adopts the current status quo which remains in place because the Clean Water Rule is stayed by the Sixth Circuit Court pending action by the court. The next step following the repeal and replace rulemaking will be a new rule based in part on the Scalia Opinion in the Rapanos decision.
As states, tribes, and others review the proposed rule and think about the rulemaking that is planned to follow it, there are many issues to consider. ASWM has invited legal experts representing diverse perspectives to share their insights to help webinar participants to understand the current process, issues of importance, and potential outcomes as these rulemaking efforts are carried out and later challenged in the courts.
Virginia S. Albrecht is Special Counsel for Hunton and Williams. Her practice focuses exclusively on environmental law and administrative law --- in particular, the Clean Water Act (CWA) wetlands program, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and other federal regulatory programs that affect the use of land. She has experience in permit negotiation, litigation of policy issues, lobbying Congress and the Administration, enforcement defense, and compliance counseling. Representative clients include development companies, agricultural and mining companies, state and local agencies, and trade associations. She has extensive experience with federal environmental agencies both in Washington and in district and regional offices. Virginia is a member of the assumable waters subcommittee which EPA established in 2015 to obtain advice on the scope of waters that can be assumed and Administered by states under section 404 of the clean water act. She is also an adjunct professor for the University of Miami School of Law Program in Real Property Development. She received her JD from Vanderbilt University Law School, was Articles Editor of the Vanderbilt Law Review in1981, and received her MA in Communications from the University of Pennsylvania in 1970 and her BS from the University of Wisconsin in 1964. She has bar admissions in the District of Columbia.
Jan Goldman-Carter is Director, Wetlands and Water Resources for the National Wildlife Federation. She manages the NWF campaign to restore Clean Water Act protections and works to strengthen wetland and watershed protections regionally and nationally. Jan has lectured and written extensively on Clean Water Act and wetlands laws and programs since 1987. She received the EPA-ELI National Wetlands Award in 1993. Jan served as a wetlands specialist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. She grew up on the edge of the "River of Grass" - the Everglades - and enjoys canoeing, kayaking, birding and otherwise being in and on the water. She received her B.A. in Biology and Environmental Studies from Williams College, Massachusetts, her M.S. in Natural Resources from the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources, and her law degree from the University of Minnesota.
Royal C. Gardner is Professor of Law and Director of the Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law. He is an internationally recognized expert in wetland law and policy. Recent projects include advising the Government of Oman regarding wetland policy, coauthoring a U.S. Supreme Court amicus brief on behalf of environmental scientists, and creating an interdisciplinary course that facilitates discourse among experienced scientists, policymakers, and students.
His research and scholarship focus on U.S. and international wetland legal and policy issues, with an emphasis on biodiversity offsets. He has lectured in Africa, Asia, Europe, and North and South America.
Professor Gardner is the current chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the Ramsar Convention, an intergovernmental wetland treaty with 168 countries. He also served on the Ramsar STRP as North American representative (2006–2008) and invited expert (2009–2012). He was chair of the U.S. National Ramsar Committee (2005–2008) and participated in the Ramsar Convention Conferences of the Parties held in Spain (2002), Uganda (2005), Korea (2008), and Romania (2012). In 2006, he won the National Wetlands Award for Education and Outreach. In 1999–2001, Professor Gardner was appointed to the National Research Council’s Committee on Mitigating Wetland Losses.
An executive editor of the Boston College Law Review and a member of the Order of the Coif, he graduated magna cum laude from Boston College Law School. He then clerked for Chief Judge Francis J. Boyle of the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island. From 1989 to 1993, he served in the Army General Counsel’s office as the Department of the Army’s principal wetland attorney, advising the assistant secretary of the Army (civil works) on legal and policy issues related to the Corps of Engineers’ administration of the Clean Water Act section 404 program. From 1993 until he joined the Stetson faculty in 1994, Professor Gardner worked for the Department of Defense, where he participated in negotiating international agreements with Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus to facilitate the dismantlement of the former Soviet Union’s nuclear weapons.
Since joining the Stetson faculty, Professor Gardner has twice received Stetson University’s Homer and Dolly Hand Award for Excellence in Faculty Scholarship and has been voted the Outstanding Professor by the Stetson student body. He has taught at Stetson’s summer programs in Spain, Germany, Argentina, and Estonia, and has been a visiting professor at the Universidad de Málaga (Spain) and Concordia International University-Estonia, where he received the Outstanding Instructor Award. At Stetson, Professor Gardner has served as director of graduate and international programs, associate dean, vice dean, and interim dean.
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The presentations for Jan Goldman-Carter and Virginia Albrecht are not available for viewing.
How to Connect with the Public to Protect Wetlands: Findings from ASWM’s Wetland Communications Case Study Project
Held Tuesday, July 11, 2017 - 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Eastern
- Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Ted LaGrange, Wetland Program Manager, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission [PRESENTATION PDF]
This webinar shares the findings from ASWM’s new report on Wetland Communications Case Studies. ASWM’s Communications Project was designed to inform communications planning and future research on wetland messaging and opportunities to initiate behavior change through targeted communication strategies and products. The report is designed first to provide information that will inform future federal, state and tribal wetland communication efforts. Secondly, the report identifies and documents a range of existing successful communication practices by states, tribes and nonprofits working on wetland issues. This webinar presented a summary of the case studies and focus on useful findings that help guide those considering or working on developing communications projects related to wetlands. Participants will come away with knowledge about several new resources and lots of great advice from case study organizations.
Brenda Zollitsch is a Policy Analyst at the Association of State of Wetland Managers. Brenda conducts research and policy analysis on wetland and stream issues; manages projects; develops communications guidance; and writes articles and blogs for ASWM. Brenda currently leads a project focused on improving linear oil and gas pipeline energy permitting to protect wetlands. Brenda recently completed a national status and trends/state summaries project for ASWM analyzing 50 state wetland programs across the United States, a project focused on increasing access to high quality wetland training and a national stream identification, delineation and mitigation study. Brenda has 25 years of organizational leadership experience and a strong background in academic and action research, facilitation, training and communications. Brenda received her PhD in Public Policy from the University of Southern Maine’s Muskie School of Public Service in 2012, focusing on environmental policy and collaborative environmental management. She has her Master’s degree from Boston University.
Marla Stelk is a Policy Analyst at the Association of State of Wetland Managers. For the past four years, she has focused her research on how to improve wetland restoration success. Currently, she leads the Association’s new project on healthy wetlands and healthy watersheds. Marla coordinates the Wetland Mapping Consortium and the Natural Floodplain Functions Alliance. She is the Association’s Communications Team leader, Editor of Wetland Breaking News and author of the blog, For Peat’s Sake. Marla’s areas of expertise include environmental science and policy, stakeholder engagement, facilitation and communications. At ASWM she has continued her work on climate change issues and represents ASWM on the national Advisory Committee on the Water Information Water Resources Adaptation to Climate Change Workgroup. Marla earned her MA in Community Planning and Development with a focus on Land Use and the Environment in 2013, and her BA in Environmental Issues from Colorado College in 1992.
Ted LaGrange is an Iowa native, Ted moved to Nebraska in 1993 to work as the Wetland Program Manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. As Wetland Program Manager he works on a wide variety of wetland issues throughout the state including private land restoration programs, public lands management, resource advocacy and outreach. Prior to moving to Nebraska, he worked for 8 years as a Waterfowl Research Technician for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources in Clear Lake. Stationed in northern Iowa, he worked with the prairie pothole restoration program, especially evaluation of plant and waterfowl response to wetland restoration. Ted received B.S. and M.S. degrees in wildlife biology from Iowa State University. During his college years he spent summers working on refuges in Oregon and New York for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, working on a muskrat ecology study on the Upper Mississippi River, and working on the Marsh Ecology Research Project for Delta Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Station in Manitoba. His professional interests are in prairie wetlands and waterfowl/waterbird ecology.
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The Basics of Wetland Plant Identification
Held Thursday, June 1, 2017 – 3:00 p.m. eastern, 2:00 pm central, 1:00 pm mountain, 12:00 pm pacific, 11:00 am Alaska and 9:00 am Hawaii
- Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Joe Ely, University of Central Missouri [PRESENTATION PDF]
This webinar was taught at a beginner or novice level and was open to anyone interested in learning about or improving their knowledge of plant terminology, the characteristics of common wetland plant families and species, introducing the proper use of plant keying using various resources. Those just entering the world of wetlands and wetland plant identification will benefit from learning the diagnostic characteristics of the most encountered wetland plant families and species in the Midwest. Those with some prior experience will be able to refresh their skills and enhance their intermediate skills. This webinar started with an introduction to wetland plants and their adaptions to a wet environment. The goal of the webinar was to give basic information and tools on wetland plant identification. Specifically, this webinar included an introduction to wetland plant adaptations, morphology, terminology, and the tools to aid in plant identification (structure and use of dichotomous keys).
Joe Ely is a Plant Ecologist and has been a Professor of Biology for 14 years. He has worked in the field of Plant Ecology and Botany for more than 25 years. He has field experience on barrier islands, mix-mesophytic forests, grasslands, northern conifer forests, and numerous wetlands.
Joe has a B.S. degree in Biology from Salem College, WV, a M.S. degree in Biological Sciences from Marshall University, and his Ph.D. in Plant Biology from Southern Illinois University.
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Wetland Link International - Americas Webinar:
Successfully Attracting Local People into Wetland Sites
Traducción en español disponible
Hosted by the Association of State Wetland Managers
Held Tuesday, May 30, 2017 – 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. EDT
Many wetland sites work hard to engage local people, providing communications and publicity materials, trying to make them relevant to a wide range of local stakeholders. However, many of us still struggle to bring local people into our wetlands, and this seminar looks at how we can learn from each other on the best way make wetlands relevant to people in your local area.
If you work in wetland or environmental education and engagement within the Americas, Wetland Link International (WLI) Americas and the Association of State of Wetland Managers this was a free webinar. Presentations shared engagement practices and lessons learned on various aspects of environmental engagement at wetland sites, including case studies from WLI partners in North, Central and South America. We also provided consecutive translation into English – Spanish and Spanish - English.
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
Introductory Remarks (English) - Chris Rostron, Wetland Link International, UK
Chris manages the WLI global project, a support network for those delivering education, engagement and awareness-raising activities at wetland education centers. He will introduce the WLI Americas Network, the webinar topic, and presenters.
Engaging your Neighbors (English) - Nathalie Bays, Oak Hammock Marsh, Canada
Keeping exhibits and programming fresh on a limited budget can be challenging. Learn how Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre works to remain relevant to the local community through a variety of engaging programs.
Using Social Media to Bring Visitors to Your Site (Spanish) - Daniel Bernal, Wetlands Bogotá, Colombia [PRESENTATION PDF]
Working to better engage people at an urban Wetlands in Colombia’s capital, Bogotá, has meant using social media in various forms to bring them in. Daniel will talk about what works and what doesn’t.
Fly Like an Eagle – Using Wildlife Cameras to Attract Local and International Visitors (English) - John DeFillipo, John Bunker Sands Wetland Center, Texas, US
The John Bunker Sands Wetland Center has an active nesting pair of American Bald Eagles that can be monitored through a live wildlife camera on our website. The presenter will discuss how this amenity attracts local and international visitors, as well as “armchair conservationists,” to become vested in the conservation mission of the center.
Using Special Events to Engage Locals Onsite (Spanish) - Ingrid M. Flores, Caribbean Regional Coordinator for International Migratory Bird Day and Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (Spanish)
International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD) takes place every year during Spring and Fall with events and activities coordinated across multiple sites in the Western Hemisphere. Environment for the Americas is the home of IMBD and Birds Caribbean is the home of the Caribbean Endemic Birds Festival (CEBF) from April 22nd (Earth Day) to May 22nd (Biodiversity Day). Ingrid will discuss how to plan and deliver exciting and inclusive events on site.
Interactive Discussion
The last segment of the webinar hosted an interactive discussion where you were invited to share your experiences in engaging local citizens in wetland projects and protection.
Chris Rostron is the Programme Manager for Wetland Link International, which is based at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust (WWT) in the United Kingdom. He has worked in this position for the past 6 years. He has a background in environmental community involvement, network development, and holds a Masters degree in Environment Management, with a focus on river basin management.
Nathalie Bays is the Manager of Operations at the award-winning Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre in Manitoba, Canada. Originally from the province of Quebec, she holds a BSC in Wildlife and an MSc in Natural Resource Sciences. She worked as the Education Coordinator for 14 years at the Interpretive Centre and has been the Manager for the past six. The Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre is an award-winning wetland education facility located north of Winnipeg, with the mission to “Connect people with wetlands”.
John DeFillipo, Director of the John Bunker Sands Wetland Center, is a naturalist with over 20 years of experience blending ecological concepts with business insights. John has been a naturalist with Camp McDowell Environmental Education Center in Alabama and Crow’s Neck Environmental Education Center in Mississippi. In 2002, he became an Outreach Educator with the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science where he presented endangered species programs, including live Alligators. While living in Mississippi, John served as the president of the Mississippi Environmental Education Alliance and was the recipient of the 2008 Environmental Educator of the Year Award. In 2008 he became Lead Natural Science Educator with the Perot Museum of Nature and Science before becoming the Director of the Wetland Center in March 2010. In August 2015, John received the New Outstanding Leader Award from the Association of Nature Center Administrators (ANCA) where he currently serves as VP of Development.
Daniel Bernal is an Electronic engineer. Founding member of the Wetlands Bogotá foundation, REtroCD programme, and Friend of the Van der Hammen Reserve; environmentalist, citizen reporter and environmental activist, birdwatcher, yoga and vegetarianism; I live in a wetland.
The Wetlands Bogotá foundation was the winner of the Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards for "Young wetland champions 2015" and the "Premios Colombia En línea" as best research site in Colombia 2012.
Daniel is a member of the RetroCD programme, the first recycling programme for CDs/DVDs in Latin America. Part of the communication team of the Network of Friends of the Thomas Van de Hammen Reserve.
Listed as: ‘Environmentalist to follow on twitter in 2016’ by the Network for Environmental Justice in Colombia. Columnist as part of the celebration of 130 years of the Spectador newspaper with the article ‘Bogota wetlands; an oasis in the big city’.
Ingrid M. Flores is a wildlife biologist with experience conducting research, teaching science, and working with the public. Ingrid is also project manager and wildlife biologist at the Sea Turtles Conservation Program of Palmas de Mar Resort in Humacao, Puerto Rico. Ingrid coordinates CEBF and IMBD activities across the Caribbean, working with over 30 coordinators from Bermuda to Bonaire. This entails helping coordinators plan activities, facilitating their work with local media, and distributing education and outreach materials on Caribbean birds and the festival theme to our network of coordinators. She has a M.S. degree in Environmental Management and also served as an adjunct professor in the Department Natural Science and Technology at the University of Turabo in Gurabo, Puerto Rico, where she taught biology to undergraduate students.
Recorded Webinar: 2017 Annual State/Tribal/Federal Coordination Meeting
What's Next for Clean Water Act Jurisdiction:
Maintaining - or Draining - the Swamps? The Future of the Clean Water Rule
Held Tuesday, April 11, 2017
- Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, Association of State of Wetland Managers
In the spring of 2017, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers are implementing Executive Order 13778 on Restoring the Rule of Law, Federalism, and the Economic Growth by Reviewing the ”Waters of the United States” Rule which directs the federal agencies to rescind the current Clean Water Rule and replace it. This recorded webinar by Stephen Samuels, retired, formerly with Department of Justice, provided information about the status of the currently stayed Clean Water Rule and the case that has been accepted to be heard in 2018 before the Supreme Court, as well as a succinct overview of Supreme Court decisions addressing Clean Water Act jurisdiction in recent decades through the present day.
- Stephen Samuels, Retired, formerly with Department of Justice [PRESENTATION PDF]
Now retired, Stephen Samuels was previously Assistant Chief of the Environmental Defense Section of the Environment & Natural Resources Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. In that capacity, Mr. Samuels supervised a staff of 15 attorneys handling federal district court litigation involving all the major environmental pollution statutes. Mr. Samuels has 31 years of experience enforcing and defending the Clean Water Act Section 404 regulatory program. During that time, he helped lead the federal government’s litigation responses to the Supreme Court's decisions in SWANCC, Rapanos, Sackett and Hawkes. Until his retirement in January 2017, Mr. Samuels headed the DOJ litigation team that defended challenges to the Clean Water Rule. Mr. Samuels is a frequent speaker on Clean Water Act jurisdiction at conferences around the country. Mr. Samuels previously was an attorney with the U.S. Department of Energy and with the law firm of Breed, Abbott & Morgan. Mr. Samuels earned his J.D. in 1977 from Stanford Law School and his B.A. in 1974 from Tulane University.
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Nationwide Permit Rule Webinar: Low-head Dam Removal: Technical Issues and Considerations for State/Tribal/Federal Review
Held Thursday, February 9, 2017 - 3:00 p.m. ET
- Jeane Christie, Executive Director, Association of State of Wetland Managers and Peg Bostwick, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Serena McClain, American Rivers [PRESENTATION PDF]
The New Frontier: An Overview of Recent Policy and Regulatory Changes Affecting Dam Removal Projects
Removing dams and other instream barriers can be one of the fastest, most effective ways of restoring ecological function. However, as more dam removal projects are proposed, many proponents have found that the regulatory environment can be unreasonably complicated, time consuming, and expensive for both the applicant and regulatory authorities. Over the course of the last 18 months, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) has completed rulemaking that has a direct bearing on implementation of future dam removal projects and attempts to address some of these challenges. This presentation provided an overview of the issuance of the new Corps nationwide permit (NWP) 53, Removal of Low-Head Dams, including the use of case studies to illustrate select projects where this type of permit may have been applicable.
Serena McClain is a director of river restoration with American Rivers in Washington, DC. She has worked in the river restoration field for more than 15 years, engaging with regional and national stakeholders to demonstrate how to enhance safety, quality of life and economic development by restoring the natural function of rivers. McClain has managed and provided technical assistance to projects around the country, utilizing her communications and policy expertise to ensure that local communities and key decision-makers are aware of the opportunities available to them and are equipped with the tools necessary to aid them in those decisions. She currently leads the program’s dam removal practice.
Jim MacBroom earned BS and MS degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Connecticut and is a registered Professional Engineer in five states. He is Vice President of Milone & MacBroom Inc, a Civil and Environmental Engineering consulting firm located in Cheshire Connecticut, and he developed and taught graduate courses in River Processes & Restoration and Applied Hydrology at Yale University for 17 years. He has over 35 years of experience in watershed management, open channel hydraulics, dam repair and removal, fish passage, computer modeling, fluvial morphology, stream restoration, and tidal systems. Jim is a member of the ASCE Stream Restoration Committee, American Rivers Technical Advisory Committee, and was a speaker at the annual University of Wisconsin continuing education course on dam removal.
Jim has planned, designed, and inspected many river restoration and dam removal projects including earth, timber crib, and concrete structures, with a special interest in sediment management, channel evolution, and design of natural-like bypass channels.
A recording of the January 19 webinar, “Overview of the Final Rule on Issuance and Reissuance of the §404 Nationwide Permits” is available here.
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Overview of the Final Rule on Issuance and Reissuance of the §404 Nationwide Permits
Held Thursday, January 19 from 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
- Jeane Christie, Executive Director, ASWM and Peg Bostwick, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Dave Olson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [PRESENTATION PDF]
On Friday, January 6 the Final Rule on Issuance and Reissuance of §404 Nationwide Permits (NWPs) was published in the Federal Register. The NWPs authorize a variety of activities in jurisdictional waters and wetlands under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, as long as those activities result in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. The 50 existing and two new nationwide permits for living shorelines and lowhead dam removal will go into effect on March 18, 2017. There are differences between the proposed rule for nationwide permits issued in June of 2016 and the final rule published on January 6. The purpose of this webinar was to provide a briefing to state and tribes and other interested parties understanding the final changes to the existing nationwide permits as well as gain additional information about the two new nationwides. The presentation was followed by a question-and-answer session. A more thorough understanding of the contents of the final rule will facilitate Section 401 Certification and Coastal Consistency Review as well as discussions between the states and the Corps Districts on development of regional conditions in the coming months.
David Olson is a Regulatory Program Manager at the Headquarters office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has worked for the Corps since 1991, beginning as a Regulatory Project Manager at the Baltimore District, evaluating permit applications for work in waters and wetlands. In 2002, he began working at his current position at Corps Headquarters. He manages the Corps' nationwide permit program and works on Endangered Species Act compliance. His other responsibilities include providing advice on applying wetland and stream mitigation policies and regulations. He is also developing an approach for cumulative effects analysis in the Corps' regulatory program.
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Wetlands & Climate Change: A Summary of Current Wetland Scientific Findings
Held Tuesday, November 15, 2016 - 3:00 p.m. EST
- Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, ASWM [PRESEANTATION PDF]
- Gillian Davies, PWS, Senior Ecological Scientist, BSC Group, Inc. and President, Society of Wetland Scientists [PRESENTATION PDF]
Understanding the relationship between wetlands and climate change is a critical underpinning to developing climate-smart wetland management policy, strategy, and practices that support wetland protection, carbon storage, and wetland-related climate resiliency. This presentation summarized recent scientific findings regarding the role of wetlands in the global carbon cycle, how climate change is impacting wetlands, how wetlands perform carbon storage services and where limitations exist, as well as the role of wetlands in climate resiliency. Differences between types of wetlands will be examined.
Gillian is currently the President of the international Society of Wetland Scientists, as well as Past President of the New England Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Recently, she Chaired the SWS 2015 Annual Meeting Program Committee, which was themed: “Changing Climate. Changing Wetlands.” Gillian has been working as a Senior Ecological Scientist at BSC Group, Inc. since 2003. Prior to that, she was a Circuit Rider for the Division of Wetlands & Waterways in the Northeast Region at Mass DEP. Gillian was a contributing author to the Massachusetts Climate Change Adaptation Report (September, 2011) that is intended to guide climate adaptation policy in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Gillian has a Master of Environmental Studies degree from the Yale School of Environmental Studies, and a bachelor’s degree from Williams College. She is a Professional Wetland Scientist, a Registered Soil Scientist, and a New Hampshire Certified Wetland Scientist, with 25 years of experience working in the wetlands field.
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Wetland Link International Americas Webinar: Sharing Tools and Approaches to Actively Engage Local People at Wetland Sites
Held Wednesday, November 9, 2016 – 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. EDT
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, ASWM [PRESENTATION PDF]
If you work in wetland or environmental education and engagement within the Americas, Wetland Link International (WLI) Americas Network and the Association of State of Wetland Managers invited you to join us for a webinar to learn about practices specifically designed to successfully engage local stakeholders at wetland sites in the Americas. The focus of this webinar was moving stakeholders from passive interest to active engagement in wetland outreach, protection and preservation. Presentations shared engagement practices and lessons learned on various aspects of environmental engagement at wetland sites, including case studies from WLI partners in North, Central and South America.
Introductory Remarks
Presenter: Chris Rostron, Wetland Link International, UK [PRESENTATION PDF]
Engaging Stakeholders in Wetland Stewardship Activities
Presenter: Laura Chamberlain, Community Engagement Coordinator, WHSRN [PRESENTATION PDF]
Involving Local People in Wetland Science and Monitoring
Presenter: Jaime Torres, Estero del Salado, Mexico [PRESENTATION PDF]
Civil Society’s Role in Protecting Wetlands
Presenter: Patricio Guerrero, Agrupación Defensa y Conservación Maule Mataquito/REDALES (Red Centros de humedales Latinoamérica y El Caribe), Chile [PRESENTATION PDF]
Interactive Discussion
The last segment of the webinar will host an interactive discussion where you are invited to share your experiences working to engage local citizens in wetland projects and protection.
Based on Demand - Option for Real Time Spanish-English Translation
Based on the amount of demand, we have the option to hold the webinar with simultaneous translation between Spanish and English. This translation service must be arranged well in advance of the presentation date, so if you are interested in participating while listening to Spanish translation, please contact
Presenter Information:
Presenters will include Chris Rostron, Head of Wetland Link International/Member Ramsar CEPA Oversight Panel; Laura Chamberlain, US, Community Engagement Coordinator, Western Hemispheric Shorebird Reserve Network Executive Office, Manomet, Inc; Patricio Guerrero, Acción por la Terra, Chile; Jaime Torres, Estero el Salado, Mexico.
Nationwide Permit Rule Webinar #3
Interactive Discussion with States and Tribes on Reviewing the Proposed Rule to Reissue the §404 Nationwide Permits
Held July 6, 2016 - 3:00 p.m. ET
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, ASWM [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Jeanne Christie, Association of State of Wetland Managers
The Army Corps of Engineers’ Proposal to Reissue and Modify Nationwide Permits (NWPs) was published in the Federal Register on June 1, 2016. The Corps solicited comments for the reissuance of existing NWPs, general conditions and definitions with some modifications. The Corps also proposed to issue two new NWPs and one new general condition.
This third webinar in ASWM’s three-part series on reviewing the Nationwide Permits had been designed to invite webinar participants to share how they have been looking at the proposed NWPs and to identify common issues among states.
Nationwide Permit Rule Webinar #2
Panel on State Processes for Reviewing the Proposed Nationwide Permits and Lessons Learned from States
Held Tuesday, June 14, 2016 – 3:00 p.m. ET
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, ASWM and Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, ASWM [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Jeanne Christie, Association of State of Wetland Managers
- Jeff Boyles and Joni Lung, Ohio Environmental Protection Agency [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Steven Smailer and Tyler Brown, Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
[PRESENTATION PDF] - Vena Jones, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Heather Preston, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control [PRESENTATION PDF]
The Army Corps of Engineers’ Proposal to Reissue and Modify Nationwide Permits was published in the Federal Register on June 1, 2016. The Corps solicited comments for the reissuance of existing NWPs, general conditions and definitions with some modifications. The Corps also proposed to issue two new NWPs and one new general condition.
This second webinar in ASWM’s three-part series on reviewing the Nationwide Permits shared about the various processes states undertake to review the nationwide permits and what types of changes states may want to make. ASWM provided a series of three webinars to assist states as they begin their review process. A focus of this second webinar shared by state presenters and lessons they have learned from reviewing the Nationwides in the past.
Jeff Boyles has worked at Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for 16 years with the majority of the time spent in the Division of Surface Water, in the 401 and Isolated Wetland Permit Programs, working on all aspects of the program including permit review, mitigation compliance, database development, and the Interagency Review Team. Jeff is Supervisor of the 401 Section at Ohio EPA.
Joni Lung works in the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Division of Surface Water, 401 and Isolated Wetland Permit Program since 2012, and as an Environmental Specialist 3, she is the lead worker for the program. Her responsibilities include program development, rule and policy development, and special projects such as the general certification for the Nationwide Permits.
Steve Smailer works for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. He became the Section Manager of DNREC’s Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section in April of 2015. He previously worked for DNREC as a Hydrogeologist for 10 years, and recently spent 12 years in the private sector before returning back to DNREC.
Tyler Brown also works for the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control. Tyler was hired as an environmental scientist in the Wetlands and Subaqueous Lands Section in May of 2013, and recently became the Program Manager of the section in September of 2015. Previously, he worked at the local Conservation District for 2 years in the agriculture field.
Vena Jones works for the Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation. Vena is lead staff responsible for statewide review of stream focused compensatory mitigation projects, the creation of 401 focused policy and stream mitigation guidance.
Heather Preston works for the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Heather has worked for the Department for 23 years. She is currently director of SCDHEC's Water Quality Division where she oversees the 401 Water Quality Certification program among other duties.
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Nationwide Permit Rule Webinar #1
The New Nationwide Permit Rule – What You Need to Know
Held Wednesday, June 8, 2016 – 3:00 p.m. ET
- Brenda Zollitsch, Policy Analyst, ASWM and Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, ASWM [PRESENATION PDF]
- David Olson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers [PRESENTATION PDF]
On June 1, 2016, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) published its proposal to reissue its Nationwide Permits (NWPs). The NWPs were last reissued in 2012, and expire on March 18, 2017. The NWPs authorize a variety of activities in jurisdictional waters and wetlands under Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899, as long as those activities result in no more than minimal adverse environmental effects. The Corps is proposing to reissue all 50 of its existing NWPs and to issue two new NWPs. The current NWPs authorize various categories of activities, ranging from aids to navigation, mooring buoys, maintenance activities, utility line crossings, residential developments, agriculture activities, and wetland and stream restoration activities. The two proposed new NWPs will authorize the removal of low-head dams and the construction and maintenance of living shorelines. This webinar provided an overview of the proposed NWPs, with a focus on the proposed changes to the NWPs and the topics on which the Corps is soliciting comments. The comment period ended on August 1, 2016.
David Olson is a Regulatory Program Manager at the Headquarters office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has worked for the Corps since 1991, beginning as a Regulatory Project Manager at the Baltimore District, evaluating permit applications for work in waters and wetlands. In 2002, he began working at his current position at Corps Headquarters. He manages the Corps' nationwide permit program and works on Endangered Species Act compliance. His other responsibilities include providing advice on applying wetland and stream mitigation policies and regulations. He is also developing an approach for cumulative effects analysis in the Corps' regulatory program.
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American Wetlands Month: What you can do to protect and restore wetlands
Held Wednesday, May 18, 2016 – 3:00 p.m. ET
- Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, ASWM and Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, ASWM [PRESENTATION PDF]
Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of American Wetlands Month (AWM) with ASWM, Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS), EPA, NOAA, and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. During this webinar, you’ll hear about federal agency AWM activities and the new Wetland Treasures and Wetland Ambassadors programs from SWS.
- Kathleen Kutschenreuter, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Susan-Marie Stedman, NOAA Fisheries [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Mitch Bergeson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Dr. Abbey Tyrna, University of Florida, IFAS Extension [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Dr. Bianca Wentzell, Passaic River Institute, Montclair State University [PRESENTATION PDF]
Kathleen Kutschenreuter, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)
May marks the 26th anniversary of American Wetlands Month, a time when EPA and our wetland partners across the country celebrate the vital importance of wetlands to our nation's ecological, economic, and social health. This is an especially great time to learn more about wetlands, explore wetlands, and/or take further action to preserve and protect them. Among the many exciting happenings, EPA has just released the results from the 2011 National Wetlands Condition Assessment (NWCA). This comprehensive nationwide survey encompassed tidal and nontidal wetlands and was the first of its kind to evaluate the ecological condition of our nation’s wetlands. Follow EPA on twitter @EPAwater and tweet pictures of you or others in your community celebrating American Wetlands Month using the hashtag #WetlandsWork.
Susan-Marie Stedman, NOAA Fisheries
In early May, NOAA Fisheries will be launching a new web feature about the wild and tasty fish in our nation's coastal wetlands. From blue crabs in mid-Atlantic seagrass beds, to salmon in Pacific northwest forested wetlands, lots of interesting fish, shellfish, and other fun creatures can be found in the wetlands of our coastal states. In this webinar we clicked you this new web feature called "What's Wild in Our Wetlands?"
Mitch Bergeson, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
This presentation provided an overview of two new US Fish and Wildlife Service wetland products. The Wetlands Mapper is available to all users to view on their cell phones and handheld devices. This new mobile friendly version provides wetland scientists, educators and the general public the ability to view wetland map information on their cell phones while standing in the field at their location of interest. The other is the new National Wetlands Inventory, Version 2 dataset. This new derived dataset provides a more comprehensive representation of all surface water and wetland features on the landscape in one polygonal dataset.
Dr. Abbey Tyrna, University of Florida, IFAS Extension
The Society of Wetland Scientists launched its Wetland Treasures initiative to help raise public awareness of wetlands and their many benefits to human health and environmental quality. The Wetland Treasures website will be the premier one-stop-shop for information on a wetland’s biology, ecology, conservation status, and access across the nation. Webinar participants learned about the history, goals and structure of the Wetland Treasures initiative and took a tour of the website to see its many unique features and functions and learned first-hand just how easy it is to submit an application on behalf a favorite wetland.
Dr. Bianca Wentzell, Passaic River Institute, Montclair State University
Dr. Bianca Wentzell introduced the new Wetland Ambassadors Program through the Society of Wetland Scientists. Wetland Ambassadors is an international student exchange program that arranges and provides visiting research fellowships for graduate students interested in wetland science. Dr. Wentzell discussed the mission of this program, details about its launch in the summer of 2017, and potential opportunities for partnership.
Kathleen Kutschenreuter is an Environmental Scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Water Headquarters in Washington D.C. She has over 20 years of domestic and international experience in the areas of environmental research, policy, program development and management, and communications. Since joining EPA in 1997, Kathleen has worked within the Office of Sustainable Ecosystems and Communities and the Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds to advance local, state, tribal, national, and international environmental protection and restoration efforts. She holds a Master of Environmental Management from Duke University and two Bachelor of Science degrees - Zoology (aquatic ecology) and Natural Resource Management (environmental science/ethics) - from The Ohio State University. Kathleen served in the U.S. Peace Corps in Central America and also with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources prior to joining the EPA. She is a certified diver, an avid photographer, and adores exploring all things outdoors (especially with her curious toddler)!
Susan-Marie Stedman has worked as a fishery biologist and wetland scientist for over 20 years in the Office of Habitat Conservation, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries, in Silver Spring, Maryland. She works on a wide range of wetland-related efforts including Clean Water Act policy and regulation, National Ocean Policy implementation, and NOAA-specific wetland policies. She has a Master’s Degree in Coastal Geology from the University of Delaware and studied marine biology and geology as an undergraduate at Southampton College, New York. Prior to joining NOAA she worked as a wetland consultant in New York and New Jersey.
Mitch Bergeson is a GIS Specialist for the US Fish and Wildlife Service's, National Standards and Support Team in Madison WI. He is the Project Lead for the National Wetlands Inventory database, Wetlands Mapper and the Wetlands Status and Trends Projects. Mitch has over 20 years of experience in the natural resource and geospatial fields and holds a B.S. in Biology from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point and an M.S. in Wildlife Ecology and Certificate Degree in GIS, both from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Abbey Tyrna is a water resources extension agent for University of Florida IFAS Extension in Sarasota County. She received a Ph.D. in Geography from Penn State under the direction of Robert P. Brooks in 2015. Abbey’s research focused on understanding the changes to wetland hydopatterns across a gradient of human disturbance and the ability of networks to visualize wetland cumulative impacts at the watershed scale. As a wetland enthusiast, Abbey quickly saw the potential of the Society of Wetland Scientists’ Wetland Treasures initiative and jumped at the opportunity to the lead the effort as the chair of the Wetland Treasures subcommittee.
Dr. Bianca Wentzell is currently a postdoctoral research scientist at the Passaic River Institute of Montclair State University in Montclair, New Jersey. She is a wetland ecologist and aquatic plant biologist who focuses on wetland plant response to human impact. Dr. Wentzell also serves as the Chair of the new Wetland Ambassadors Committee at the Society of Wetland Scientists, which is intended to design and implement an international student exchange program for budding wetland scientists around the world.
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PDF List of Past Hot Topics Webinar Recordings
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Webinar: Legal Challenges to the Clean Water Rule: Which Court? What Questions? What Timeframe?
Thursday, November 19, 2015
- Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, ASWM [PRESENTATION PDF]
On Thursday, November 19, 2015, the Association of State of Wetland Managers (ASWM) hosted a webinar to assist participants in understanding the status of challenges to the Clean Water Rule in the courts and explore what might happen in the coming months. The webinar provided a general overview of pending legal challenges to the Clean Water Rule and the status of those challenges. Much of the presentation focused on the basis for the legal challenges and what the process is likely to be in the courts as the lawsuits move through the justice system. Presenters also discussed various bills and resolutions before Congress, as well as the possibility of a rider being attached to the expected Congressional omnibus spending bill.
Panelists were Roy Gardner, Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy, Stetson University College of Law and Kim Diana Connolly, Professor, Director of Clinical Legal Education, Vice Dean for Legal Skills, SUNY Buffalo Law School. Both panelists have extensive experience in Clean Water Act law and policy issues.
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Clean Water Rule Webinar: Understanding Legal Challenges and Next Steps for the Clean Water Rule
Wednesday, August 24, 2015
On Monday, August 24, 2015, the Association of State of Wetland Managers (ASWM) hosted a webinar on “Understanding Legal Challenges and Next Steps for the Clean Water Rule” with presentations by Roy Gardner, Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy and Kim Diana Connolly, Professor, Director of Clinical Legal Education, Vice Dean for Legal Skills, SUNY Buffalo Law School. [PRESENTATION PDF]
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015
On Wednesday, June 17 the Association of State of Wetland Managers (ASWM) held a webinar “Understanding the Final Clean Water Rule and Changes to CWA Jurisdiction Included in Senate Bill 1140” with presentations by Roy Gardner, Professor of Law and Director, Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy and Kim Diana Connolly, Professor, Director of Clinical Legal Education, Vice Dean for Legal Skills, SUNY Buffalo Law School. Topics covered during the webinar included: an overview of changes to CWA jurisdiction under the new rule, a discussion of how the changes reflect the Carabell/Rapanos and SWANCC Supreme Court decisions and an overview of Senate Bill 1140, "The Federal Water Quality Protection Act".
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American Wetlands Month National Webinar: The Ramsar Treaty/Convention on Wetlands
Wednesday, May 27, 2015 – 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. EDT
- Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, Association of State of Wetland Managers
- Kathleen Kutschenreuter, Office of Wetlands, Oceans & Watersheds, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Have you ever wondered what role a specific wetland plays in the international scheme of things? Does it have international significance? What can be done to protect and promote its unique contributions?
The Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, known as the Ramsar Convention, is an intergovernmental treaty that provides the framework for national action and international cooperation for the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources. The convention is named after its place of signing in Ramsar, Iran. The Convention has historically focused on protecting wetlands for waterfowl. However, Ramsar’s scope has expanded in recent years to focus more broadly on wetlands of “specific and irreplaceable global value.”
This webinar provided an overview of Ramsar, the upcoming Ramsar Conference of Contracting Parties, what it means to become a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance, the process to apply for designation, and the benefits of becoming a designated Ramsar site in the United States and Canada. Agencies explained the roles their staff play to support implementation of the Ramsar Convention; site managers will share their experiences being a designated Wetland of International Importance; and education center staff will describe the range of activities that occur at their sites. They learned about the latest efforts to increase the number of Ramsar site designations and strengthen Ramsar implementation in the U.S., Canada and abroad.
The webinar was co-hosted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Association of State of Wetland Managers.
Presenters included Barbara De Rosa-Joynt, Chief of Biodiversity, U.S. Department of State; Roy C. Gardner, Chair, Ramsar Scientific and Technical Review Panel; William J. Mitsch, Chair, US National Ramsar Committee; Chris Rostron, Head, Wetlands Link International/Member, Ramsar CEPA Oversight Panel; Lind Friar, Chief of Public Affairs, Everglades National Park, Florida; Nathalie Bays, Manager of Interpretive Center Operations, Oak Hammock Marsh, Manitoba.
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Wetland Link International North America Webinar II: Best Practice in Designing, Building and Operation of Wetland Education Centers
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 – 1:00-3:00 p.m. EDT
ASWM’s July Members’ Webinar to learn about a new international handbook on best practices for wetland education centers and explore wetland center case studies
If you work in wetland education or you are interested in developing or improving a wetland center, the Wetland Link International (WLI) North America Network is presenting ASWM’s July webinar. The webinar will introduce the new Handbook on Best Practice in Wetland Education Centres, which was produced by ERF (Environmental Ecosystem Research Foundation, Republic of Korea) and RAMSAR. Next, the webinar will provide presentations on various aspects of wetland center work, including sharing of case studies by our enthusiastic colleagues. The final portion of the webinar will allow for discussion and sharing of your own experiences running wetland centers.
This webinar offers the opportunity to join wetland education specialists working at wetland centers to learn more about how to plan, deliver and evaluate wetland center activities. WLI hopes the new handbook will be an invaluable resource for anyone working in this field, whether you are planning to build a new center, updating your existing buildings or infrastructure, or looking for new ideas to operate your wetland center more effectively.
Webinar Agenda | ||
1:00 – 1:10 pm | Welcome and Introduction to the Webinar, Brenda Zollitsch, ASWM | |
1:10 – 1:30 pm | Summary of the Development of the Wetland Centre Handbook, Chris Rostron, WLI/Nathalie Bays, Oak Hammock Marsh | |
1:30 – 1:50 pm | Master Planning for Wetland Centers, Marie Banks, WWT Consulting | |
1:50 – 2:10 pm | Running Programs at Wetland Centers, Katelin Frase, Environmental Concern | |
2:10 – 2:30 pm | Financial Planning and Resourcing, Mathalie bays, Oak Hammock Marsh | |
2:30 – 3:00 pm |
Discussion on Best Practices in Planning and Management of Wetland Centers Do we need a North America-specific Version of the Handbook? Access to the Handbook – Web-based? Hard copy? Other questions |
3:00 pm | Webinar ends |
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Status and Trends of the Prairie Pothole Region
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Tom Dahl provided information on the latest regional report on the status and trend of wetlands in the Prairie Pothole region. The Prairie Pothole report is the first for this region often called the "duck production factory" and this webinar should be very innovative and informative. The Fish and Wildlife Service is the principal Federal agency that provides information to the public on the extent and status of the Nation’s wetlands. The Service is required to update wetland status and trends studies of the Nation’s wetlands at ten-year intervals and report to the Congress. To date, there have been five national reports on wetland status. In-between national reports, the Service has issued six targeted, regional, reports; notably the status and trends of coastal wetlands in 2009 and 2013 that lead to an interagency coastal wetland working group.
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Options for Financing Environmental Enhancement at the Local Level in Oregon
January 23, 2014 – 2:00 p.m. ET
- Jeanne Christie, ASWM [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Nested Financing – Amanda Punton, Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Options for Financing Environmental Enhancement at the Local Level in Oregon – Glenn Barnes, Environmental Finance Center at the University of North Carolina School of Government [PRESENTATION PDF]
This webinar explored a structure for engaging local governments in a conversation about sustainable local financing of environmental enhancement efforts. The webinar featured a new tool created to illustrate options for generating local funds at a city, county and special district capacity. In particular, the tool brings focus to how partnerships within a watershed can layer local funding with grant and loan programs to achieve a common goal, a “Sim City” of natural resource enhancement. The Oregon Coastal Management Program and the UNC Environmental Finance Center have collaborated on this effort. We will see a demonstration of the tool and discuss how it might be used in Oregon to assist local governments develop implementation plans for meeting water quality, wetland or habitat protection targets.
Amanda Punton is the Natural Resource Specialist for the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. As staff for the Oregon Costal Management Program she assists local governments in the coastal zone with planning and management measures to reduce impacts on water quality from existing and new development. As staff for the statewide land use program she works on rule implementation and policies focused on the intersection of natural resource protection with urban development and the use of resource land for farm, forest and aggregate production. Amanda has been with DLCD for 16 years. Previously she worked at the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
Glenn Barnes is a Senior Project Director with the Environmental Finance Center based at the University of North Carolina School of Government. He joined the Environmental Finance Center in 2006. Glenn teaches workshops for public officials, provides direct community assistance, and carries out research on a range of topics from green government, energy, and sustainability to stormwater management, water and sewer rate-setting, and wetlands and watersheds finance. Prior to joining the Environmental Finance Center, he worked for non-profits in New England focusing on renewable energy, biofuels, and environmental regulation. Glenn holds a BA and MPA from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
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Wetland Link International North America
October 29, 2013 – 1:00 p.m. ET
The Association of State of Wetland Managers is a member of Ramsar U.S. Partnering with Wetland Link International to provide an opportunity for wetland education and interpretive centers in North America, we presented this webinar as a multi-national venue for sharing information and collaborating on issues of common concern. The webinar provided an opportunity to learn about wetland center activities in North America, discuss effective approaches, and think about building a Wetland Center Network in North America through Wetland Link International (WLI). This was a great chance to bring a broad range of people on wetland education and interpretation together. To review the agenda, please go here. For more information about Wetland Link International, please click here.
This webinar featureD presenters and participants from Canada, United States and United Kingdom, including educators, state wetland program staff, consultants, non-profit organizations and government agencies.
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Koontz v. St. Johns River Water Management District: What Happened and Where Do We Go From Here
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
On June 23rd, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a decision that is likely to be a significant property rights ruling. The 5-4 ruling expanded the application of "essential nexus" and "rough proportionality" from the earlier Nollan and Dolan decisions. It extended these tests to permit conditions requiring monetary payments — with no express limitation except as to taxes. This is a complicated case that is likely to be extremely challenging for government agencies, the public and the courts to interpret and apply. The Association of State of Wetland Managers is hosTED a 2-hour webinar with four expert lawyers to provide an overview of the decision and explore its potential implications for state, local and federal decision-making. There are three questions that were addressed during the webinar: 1) What does the decision say and what does it mean? 2) What actions or changes in program decision-making, permitting, planning, etc. should local, state and federal governments consider pursuing as a result of the decision? and 3) In light of Koonz and other recent Supreme Court decisions, is there a shift in takings law and, if so, what does that mean for state and local government?
- Jeanne Christie, Association of State of Wetland Managers [PRESENTATION PDF]
- First Question: What does the decision say and what does it mean? Royal C. Gardner, Stetson University College of Law and Jan Goldman-Carter, National Wildlife Federation
Reaction and Discussion; Jon Kusler, Dan Siegel, Jan Goldman-Carter and Roy Gardner (20 minutes) - Second Question: What action or changes in program decision-making, permitting, planning, etc. should local, state and federal governments consider pursuing as a result of the decision? Jon Kusler, Association of State Wetland Managers
Reaction and Discussion; Dan Siegel, Jan Goldman-Carter Roy Gardner and Jon Kusler
- Third Question: In light of Koonz and other recent Supreme Court decisions, is there a shift in takings law and, if so, what does that mean for state and local government? Dan Siegel, Attorney General's Office, California
Reaction: Jan Goldman-Carter Roy Gardner, Jon Kusler and Dan Siegel
Closing Comments
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Building Wetlands for Rare Species of Amphibians
Wednesday, May 29, 2013 – 3:00 p.m. EST
- Jeanne Christie, ASWM [PRESENTATION PDF]
- Tom Biebighauser, U.S. Forest Service [PRESENTATION PDF]
Designing Wetlands for Rare Amphibians
Populations of certain amphibians are in steep decline. Chytridiomycosis fungus, urban development, and global warming are appearing to spell doom for many species. The good news is that something can be done to help rare species of amphibians by restoring wetlands. You’ll see how wetlands can be designed and built to provide habitat for the wood frog, four-toed salamander, Chiricahua leopard frog, red-legged frog, eastern spadefoot, and great basin spadefoot.
Tom Biebighauser is an ASWM member who works as a Wildlife Biologist for the U.S. Forest Service. He has restored over 1,500 wetlands in 20-States and 2-Canadian Provinces, assisting thousands of private landowners and agency personnel with the design and construction of wetlands for improving wildlife and fish habitat. He teaches practical, hands-on workshops across North America where participants learn about wetland restoration and drainage by becoming involved in the design and construction of naturally appearing and functioning wetlands. Tom has written three books about restoring wetlands A Guide to Creating Vernal Ponds in 2003, Wetland Drainage, Restoration, and Repair in 2007, and Wetland Restoration and Construction - A Technical Guide, in 2011. Photos showing some of the wetlands he has built are available for viewing here. You may contact him at
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Coastal Blue Carbon - What's all the Fuss About?
Tuesday, December 11, 2012 – 2:00 p.m. EST
- Steve Emmett-Mattox, Restore America’s Estuaries
Length: 90 minutes
Learn about the emerging concept of coastal blue carbon and how it could help achieve tidal wetland management goals. Topics will include
- The voluntary carbon markets
- The carbon storage and sequestration potential of tidal wetlands
- Current coastal blue carbon activities in the U.S. and globally, emphasis on the U.S.
- Application of coastal blue carbon to restoration and conservation
- How to get involved
- Future directions and next steps
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Water Quality Standards for Wetlands
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 – 3:00 p.m. EST
- Jeanne Christie and Jon Kusler, Association of State of Wetland Managers
- Jennifer Linn, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Length: 90 minutes
The Association of State of Wetland Managers recently completed a two-year project on the development of water quality standards for wetlands, which included a comprehensive document “Wetland Water Quality Standards for States" available here. Characteristics of wetlands differ from lakes and rivers. Many of the parameters used to develop standards for flowing and deep water habitats are not applicable to wetlands, which often do not have standing water year-round. Jon Kusler and Jeanne Christie along with Jennifer Linn from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will:
- summarize the project
- review the typical framework for the development of water quality standards,
- describe how these can be applied to address wetlands and
- explore how the recently completed document and other resources available can be used by states and tribes to aid in development of water quality standards for wetlands.
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National Wetland Plant List
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 – 3:00 p.m. EST
- Dr. Bob Lichvar of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
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Improving Wetland Restoration "Success": What We've Learned So Far
Held Tuesday, December 15, 2015 – 3:00 p.m. EST
- Jeanne Christie, Executive Director and Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers
- David Olson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Mary Kentula, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s, National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory’s, Western Ecology Division
- Larry Urban, Montana Department of Transportation
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
This webinar looked back at the lessons learned about what the barriers and challenges for wetland restoration are that have been shared with all of you throughout this webinar series since it was first aired in September of 2014. After the initial presentation by Jeanne Christie and Marla Stelk at ASWM, joining the webinar was David Olson, USACE, Mary Kentula, EPA, and Larry Urban, Montana DOT who have been engaged in listening to the webinar series and have decades of experience in addressing the scientific and programmatic challenges posed by restorations of wetlands. They shared their perspectives on our findings, reflected on recent advances in wetland restoration including information shared during the restoration webinar series, and identify key actions to take to improve wetland restoration outcomes.
Jeanne Christie, Executive Director, Association of State Wetland Managers
Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers
David Olson is a Regulatory Program Manager at the Headquarters office of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. He has worked for the Corps since 1991, beginning as a Regulatory Project Manager at the Baltimore District, evaluating permit applications for work in waters and wetlands. In 2002, he began working at his current position at Corps Headquarters. He spent several years working on the 2008 mitigation rule for wetland and stream mitigation. He also manages the Corps' nationwide permit program and is working on Endangered Species Act compliance and developing an approach for cumulative effects analysis.
Dr. Mary E. Kentula is a Wetlands Ecologist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Health and Environmental Effects Laboratory’s Western Ecology Division in Corvallis, Oregon. From 1992 through 1996 she served as the national program leader for the Agency’s Wetland Research Program and was responsible for directing and coordinating studies of freshwater wetlands across the Nation. Mary’s research within the Program focused on the use of restoration techniques in wetland management. Among Mary’s publications from that work is the book, Wetland Creation and Restoration: The Status of the Science (1990), which she co-edited with Dr. Jon Kusler. Mary’s current work supports EPA’s National Aquatic Resource Surveys through the development of approaches to monitor and report on the ecological condition of wetlands. In 2007 the Society of Wetland Scientists recognized Dr. Kentula with the Merit Award for her work in assessing wetlands at the watershed scale. This was followed by the successful completion of the field work for the first National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA) in 2011. Mary’s research team led the production of the field operations manual used in the assessment, played a major role in data analysis, and wrote the technical report which details the science behind the results of the 2011 NWCA. Her team is presently looking forward to the second NWCA in summer 2016.
Lawrence J. “Larry” Urban, is the wetland mitigation specialist for the Montana Department of Transportation with state-wide responsibilities based out of Helena, Montana. He has over 30 years of experience in wetland delineations, functional assessments, monitoring and mitigation site development for both the New Jersey and Montana Department of Transportations. He has been involved in the development of a comprehensive aquatic resource mitigation program to meet wetland and stream mitigation needs for transportation projects throughout the state of Montana that has created over 55 mitigation areas ranging in size from ½ to 300 acres in size. He developed an annual monitoring program for the purposes of managing aquatic resource mitigation sites on both private and state lands to comply with federal, state and Tribal permitting requirements. Assisted in the funding, development and continued oversight of the Montana Department of Transportation’s Montana Wetland Assessment Method (MWAM) originally developed in 1989. He has also presented at a number of National and regional wetland mitigation conferences, and participates in annual continuing education courses as an instructor in wetland regulations, mitigation and wetland assessments in the state of Montana.
Novel Ecosystems and Restoration
Held Thursday, November 19, 2015 – 3:00 p.m. EST
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Joy Zedler, Professor of Botany and Aldo Leopold Chair of Restoration Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Marilyn Jordan, Former Senior Conservation Scientist, The Nature Conservancy on Long Island, NY
PowerPoint presentation: Joy Zedler - Marilyn Jordan
Joy Zedler, Professor of Botany and Aldo Leopold Chair of Restoration Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Novelty is not new; it’s the norm. The earliest restorationists worked in novel sites to achieve imprecise targets. In 1934, Aldo Leopold dedicated an “arboretum” for restoration of pre-settlement plant communities. Efforts to convert cultivated fields and pastures proceeded opportunistically and gave birth to tallgrass prairie restoration. The claim that early practitioners insisted on achieving some “original” condition is a popular myth that leads some to say we need novel targets and new terms, like “intervention.” Critics caution that the word “restoration” is key to public support and funding. Saying “Hey, let’s go intervene…” won’t likely energize volunteers, while “Let’s restore a prairie” does so in schoolyards and fields across Wisconsin. If we acknowledge historical disturbances, conduct experiments that compare restoration methods, and proceed adaptively, we will gradually improve our ability to restore what we can, where we can, and in the most efficient way. Let’s make adaptive restoration the new norm.
Marilyn Jordan, Former Senior Conservation Scientist, The Nature Conservancy on Long Island, NY
Novel ecosystems are new, historically unprecedented combinations of species created primarily by direct and indirect human actions, and now occupy ~40% of the terrestrial ice-free globe. Invasion by non-native plant species is typical in many novel ecosystems, which usually results in decreased native plant species diversity and biomass. Native insects, which depend on native plants, also decrease which in turn leads to simplified food webs and losses of higher trophic level species. Lost biodiversity reduces ecosystem resilience and degrades ecosystem function. The idea that despite their deficiencies novel ecosystems have value and should be considered part of nature is highly controversial and is seen by some (inappropriately in my view) as a “license to trash nature.” I think that the new science of novel ecosystems management offers a thoughtful way forward to manage for conservation goals when restoration to a historic condition is no longer possible.
Joy Zedler is Professor of Botany at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Aldo Leopold Professor of Restoration Ecology and Research Director at the Arboretum. Her research and writings concern wetlands, restoration, and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services; she promotes Adaptive Restoration, mentors students, and helps edit the journal, Restoration Ecology. She advises many organizations on environmental issues and restoration projects. She is a Fellow of the Society of Wetland Scientists and a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America, in recognition of her research and service.
Dr. Marilyn Jordan retired in 2014 as a Senior Conservation Scientist for The Nature Conservancy on Long Island, NY after working for TNC since 1992. She grew up in Queens, NYC and got a BA in biology from Queens College (1966) and a Ph.D. in plant ecology from Rutgers University (1971). Her career experience includes ecological monitoring, invasive plant science, nutrient cycling, soil and water pollution, microbial ecology, atmospheric deposition, ecological impacts of deer browse in forests, fire as a restoration tool and novel ecosystems.
Wetland Restoration in Urban and Highly Disturbed Landscapes
Held Tuesday, October 13, 2015 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Tom Ries, President and Founder of Ecosphere Restoration Institute
- Steven I. Apfelbaum, Principal Ecologist, Chairman, Applied Ecological Services, Inc.
- Alexander J. Felson, PhD RLA, Assistant Professor, Yale University School of Architecture & School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
PowerPoint presentations: Tom Ries - Steven I. Apfelbaum - Alexander J. Felson
Urban environments and highly disturbed landscapes create unique challenges and opportunities for wetland restoration. In this webinar, we will hear from three experts in the field of ecological restoration. Our presenters will discuss landscape hydrology changes resulting from urbanization and agricultural practices, current and recent case studies and how good design can enhance social and environmental outcomes.
Thomas Ries has a biology degree from USF with a minor in Geology; he has worked in both the public and private sectors. He has extensive experience with estuarine ecosystems and has implemented over 90+ habitat restoration projects in this region; many of these have won awards of environmental excellence. In 2002, he founded the non-profit organization, Ecosphere Restoration Institute, to implement Public/Private/Partnerships to help preserve and restore coastal ecosystems. In 2013, he was presented with the National Habitat Restoration and Conservation Award by the Environmental Law Institute. The restoration of Ulele Springs was funded and implemented under his direction.
Steven I. Apfelbaum, M.S. is Senior Ecologist and Chairman of the Board/Founder, Applied Ecological Services, Inc. Steve Apfelbaum has been a full-time research and consulting ecologist with AES since 1978. Apfelbaum earned his MS Degree in Ecological and Biological Sciences at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and is trained as an animal and plant ecologist. He has been a scientist in hundreds of field ecological projects and data analysis projects. He has authored or co-authored hundreds of technical studies, reports, ecological program plans, restoration plans, and monitoring and compliance reports for research projects and for regulatory program reporting. Apfelbaum teaches a course at the Harvard Graduate School of Design on the future of coastal systems on earth and holds adjunct professorships and lectureships at several other universities.
Dr. Felson is an assistant Professor at Yale University, an urban ecologist and a landscape architect. He directs the joint degree program between the School of Architecture and Forestry at Yale and founded the Urban Ecology and Design Lab. Felson focuses on ecological urban design through green infrastructure, coastal adaptation and constructed ecosystems. He led Yale’s efforts for Rebuild by Design and led the vision development for Connecticut’s phase one HUD’s NDRC. Felson is a leader in the ESA’s Earth Stewardship Initiative and has developed ecologically based urban design projects along the American River in Sacramento and in Baltimore.
Held Tuesday, September 8, 2015 – 3:00 p.m. ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Will Harman, Owner, Stream Mechanics
- Matt Daniels, Principal Engineer/Project Manager, River Design Group, Inc.
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
Determining Functional Lift of Stream/Wetland Restoration Projects
Will Harman, PG, Stream Mechanics
As compensatory stream mitigation increases, a recognized need for debit/credit determination methods for stream/wetland combinations is also increasing. Most mitigation guidelines account for wetland and stream debits/credits separately. However, Interagency Review Teams and practitioners realize that there is value in restoring valley corridors that support riverine and wetland functions together. This presentation will illustrate how the Stream Functions Pyramid Framework can be used as one tool for describing functional lift of stream/wetland complexes. Case studies will be provided to show metrics and performance standards for showing functional lift, along with lessons learned from implementing these types of projects.
Use of an Ecosystem-based Approach for Stream and Wetland Restoration
Matt Daniels, P.E., River Design Group, Inc.
The need for stream and wetland restoration projects in the western U.S., in particular the Northern Rockies and Columbia River Basin, is often driven by different mitigation objectives than those in the eastern U.S. The effects of large hydropower dams, extensive mining in headwater streams and grazing of riparian floodplains have altered migration corridors and aquatic habitat used by native fish populations, thus contributing to the listing of several threatened and endangered fish species. Extensive research has been undertaken to improve our understanding of these species life history needs and the ecosystems in which they exist. This presentation will describe some of the restoration challenges that are unique to the western U.S in the context of addressing stream and wetland mitigation. Example projects will be used to illustrate the use of an ecosystem-based restoration approach and to highlight some of the lessons learned.
Mr. Harman is the founder of Stream Mechanics and Ecosystem Planning and Restoration. In the course of his 24-year career, he has participated in hundreds of stream restoration projects, representing a wide variety of settings and techniques. He has authored or co-authored numerous peer-reviewed journal articles and proceeding papers and developed the Stream Functions Pyramid. Mr. Harman teaches stream restoration workshops to federal, state, and local agencies, universities, and private engineering firms. Prior to working in the private sector, Mr. Harman was on the faculty at NC State University, where he co-founded and led the NC Stream Restoration Program. Mr. Harman’s combination of academic and private-sector experience provide a unique skill set for teaching stream restoration principles and applications.
Mr. Harman has a Master’s degree in Geography from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and Bachelor’s degree in Geography from Appalachian State University. He is a licensed Geologist in North Carolina.
Matt Daniels, P.E. is a principal and founding shareholder of River Design Group, Inc. In over 20 years of experience as a civil engineer, he has participated in the planning, design and implementation of over 70 water resources projects in Montana, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. His expertise includes project planning, technical support and construction oversight for large-scale, ecosystem restoration projects. Matt frequently speaks at design symposiums and conferences on the subjects of river restoration, fish passage and project case studies. He is a licensed professional engineer in seven western states. Outside of work, Matt enjoys mountain biking, fishing, skiing, and playing hockey.
August – No Webinar
Held Tuesday, July 14, 2015 – 3:00 pm ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Norman Famous & Marcia Spencer-Famous, Spencer-Famous Environmental Consultants
- Richard Weber, NRCS Wetland Team
- Larry Urban, Montana Department of Transportation
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
This webinar will focus on freshwater wetlands which feature organic soils, including peats, mucky peats, and mucks. These wetlands do not have a consistent set of hydrologic inputs and common landscape positions. However, they can be functionally separated into distinct categories based on their watershed position, and their dominant water source. The webinar will present a discussion of restoration of damaged organic soil wetlands, using three case studies from Maine, Michigan and Montana as examples.
In a general sense, peatlands and those with other organic soils are a type of freshwater wetland with a thick organic soil layer, and are referred to by many names, for example: bogs, fens, mires, pocosins, or prairie potholes. There are many subtypes: domed bog, blanket bog, coastal plateau bog, aapa mire, circumneutral fen, etc. What they all have in common is a thick layer of organic soil and a dynamic development process by which the soil accumulates over time. While a salt marsh is technically a peatland, we are not including tidal systems in today’s talk.
In today’s presentation, we are focusing on ombrotrophic bogs and the more nutrient-rich fens, both of which have historically been drained and developed for peat mining, agriculture, and other kinds of development, resulting in large highly disturbed areas that are difficult to restore to the pre-disturbance condition. We will include three case studies with very different disturbance histories: A large, mined raised bog; a small fen imbedded in a forested wetland disturbed by development; and a intermountain valley bottom fen drained for agriculture. We will summarize the steps necessary to guide these ecosystems towards recovery, and discuss critical considerations, pitfalls, and the necessity of adaptive management.
Norman Famous has worked on peatlands since 1978, conducting environmental surveys and assessments, writing restoration plans and creating and restoring small peatlands. As part of a three-person team, Norm evaluated the natural recolonization and regeneration of 39 mined bogs in NE North America between 1987 and 1993 by sampling vegetation and evaluating environmental factors that influence natural restoration processes. The team prepared restoration plans for mined bogs in Maine (for industry); Canada (Province of New Brunswick), and Michigan (U.S, DOJ and EPA). In 1999, Norm was one of several expert witnesses in a U.S. DOJ/Environmental Defense Section and EPA enforcement case). Between 1993 and 1997 Norm conducted a breeding bird monitoring program for 23 mined and unmined peatlands in Maine and New Brunswick, Canada.
In 1991 Norm co-authored and presented papers on Natural Regeneration of Mined Peatlands in eastern NA and a radiotelemetry study on Coyote use of peatlands in Eastern Maine. In 1992, he was an invited speaker at a Peatland Reclamation Workshop in New Brunswick, Canada and at a workshop on the Status of Canadian Peatlands in Alberta, Canada where he summarized the current status of restoration work in North America. He co-chaired and presented at a peatland restoration session for the SWS in 1993. In 1994, Norm was an invited speaker at a symposium on Restoration of Temperate Wetlands in Sheffield, England, where he co-presented invited papers on natural restoration patterns in peatlands of Northeastern North America and on a reclamation plan for a bog flooded by seawater. During the 1990’s, Norm taught three peatland ecology and restoration accredited workshops, and taught Field Ornithology for over 20 years at the University of Maine in Orono. More recently, Norm co-presented a lecture on peatland restoration at the 2014 annual meeting of the Maine Association of Wetland Scientists.
Norm holds a M.S. degree in Plant Systematics from the University of Maine at Orono where he conducted a biosystematic study of three members of the Solidago canadensis complex in NE North America. Norm presently works as a wetlands/ecological consultant and lives in Augusta, Maine.
Marcia Spencer Famous has been employed as a Senior Planner for the State of Maine’s Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry since 1998, with a focus on large-scale development such as windpower and commercial/agricultural ground water withdrawal. Prior to her current position, from 1986 to 1990 Marcia was employed by Downeast Peat, LP, where she investigated natural patterns of recolonization of mined peatlands in order to develop a restoration plan for a mined bog in Maine; and then until 1998 was a self-employed environmental consultant, specializing in wetland assessment and delineation, damaged peatland restoration, and landscape analysis.
From 1986 to 1999, Marcia co-researched with her husband, Norman, and others, factors affecting the natural re-vegetation and regeneration of peatlands damaged by mining practices. In 1999, Marcia participated as one of several expert witnesses in a U.S. Department of Justice and Environmental Protection Agency enforcement case that involved developing a restoration plan for a mined peatland in Michigan. She presented various aspects of the peatland research at symposiums and conferences including: the ‘New Developments in Wetlands Science’ conference at the University of Sheffield, England (2001); the International Peat Society Annual Meeting in Quebec (2000); the Third and Fourth Annual Peatland Restoration Workshops at Laval University, Quebec (1995 and 1996), and more recently at the Maine Association of Wetland Scientists annual meeting in 2014.
In 2000, Marcia earned a MS in Botany and Plant Pathology at the University of Maine in Orono with a thesis, titled “The Potential for Restoration of Mined Ombrotrophic Peatlands” from which she published an invited paper in Wetlands Ecology and Management titled “Regeneration of three Sphagnum Species” (v.13, 2005: 635-645).
Richard A. Weber is a Wetland Hydraulic Engineer with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Wetland Team, CNTSC in Fort Worth, Texas from 2006 to present. In this role, Rich has provided national leadership on wetland hydrology, including: Support for Wetland Restoration Program, Wetland Protection Policy, and E.O. 11990 Wetland Assessments. He leads a national training cadre for Wetland Restoration and Enhancement and Hydrology Tools for Wetland Determination courses. From 2005-2006, Rich was Design Engineer at the NRCS Nebraska State Office where he had design and A&E Contracting responsibilities for PL-566, WRP, and EQIP programs. From 1999-2005, he was a Field Engineer at the NRCS in the Scottsbluff, NE Field Office where he had design, construction, and contracting responsibilities for the Wetland Reserve Program, EQIP Irrigation and Animal Waste Management, and CTA conservation practices. From 1997-1999, Rich was an Agricultural Engineer at the NRCS in Chehalis, WA where he had design, construction, and contracting responsibilities for Conservation District funded Stream Restoration and Fish Passage projects, and EQIP program Animal Waste Projects. And from 1986-1997, he was a Watershed Project Engineer at the NRCS in Horton, KS where he performed Construction Contract Administration for PL-566 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention projects.
Urban, Lawrence J. “Larry” is the wetland mitigation specialist for the Montana Department of Transportation with state-wide responsibilities based out of Helena, Montana. He has over 30 years of experience in wetland delineations, functional assessments, monitoring and mitigation site development for both the New Jersey and Montana Department of Transportations. He has been involved in the development of a comprehensive aquatic resource mitigation program to meet wetland and stream mitigation needs for transportation projects throughout the state of Montana that has created over 55 mitigation areas ranging in size from ½ to 300 acres in size. He developed an annual monitoring program for the purposes of managing aquatic resource mitigation sites on both private and state lands to comply with federal, state and Tribal permitting requirements. Assisted in the funding, development and continued oversight of the Montana Department of Transportation’s Montana Wetland Assessment Method (MWAM) originally developed in 1989. He has also presented at a number of National and regional wetland mitigation conferences and participates in annual continuing education courses as an instructor in wetland regulations, mitigation and wetland assessments in the state of Montana.
Riverine/Riparian Wetland Restoration
Held Tuesday, June 9, 2015 – 3:00 pm ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Richard Weber, NRCS Wetland Team, CNTSC
- Larry Urban, Montana Department of Transportation
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
Riverine wetlands exist in floodplains and along watercourses where the stream hydrograph dominates the wetland’s hydrology. They are classified as Riverine in the HGM classification system. The stream hydrograph provides flooding, ponding in floodplain depressions, and usually supports a floodplain water table. They provide dynamic floodwater storage, cycle sediment and nutrients, recharge aquifers, maintain stream baseflow, and many other unique functions. This webinar will provide rational distinctions between various types of Riverine wetlands. We will also present the functional distinctions between flooding, ponding, and groundwater, introduce the concepts of episaturation and endosaturation, and correlate landforms and functions with soils information. Various restoration techniques are presented, and the appropriateness of those techniques is related to specific Riverine wetland types. Techniques will cover a range of scale from stream channel treatment to large scale flood connectivity restoration.
Richard A. Weber is a Wetland Hydraulic Engineer with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Wetland Team, CNTSC in Fort Worth, Texas from 2006 to present. In this role, Rich has provided national leadership on wetland hydrology, including: Support for Wetland Restoration Program, Wetland Protection Policy, and E.O. 11990 Wetland Assessments. He leads a national training cadre for Wetland Restoration and Enhancement and Hydrology Tools for Wetland Determination courses. From 2005-2006, Rich was Design Engineer at the NRCS Nebraska State Office where he had design and A&E Contracting responsibilities for PL-566, WRP, and EQIP programs. From 1999-2005, he was a Field Engineer at the NRCS in the Scottsbluff, NE Field Office where he had design, construction, and contracting responsibilities for the Wetland Reserve Program, EQIP Irrigation and Animal Waste Management, and CTA conservation practices. From 1997-1999, Rich was an Agricultural Engineer at the NRCS in Chehalis, WA where he had design, construction, and contracting responsibilities for Conservation District funded Stream Restoration and Fish Passage projects, and EQIP program Animal Waste Projects. And from 1986-1997, he was a Watershed Project Engineer at the NRCS in Horton, KS where he performed Construction Contract Administration for PL-566 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention projects.
Lawrence J. “Larry”Urban is the wetland mitigation specialist for the Montana Department of Transportation with state-wide responsibilities based out of Helena, Montana. He has over 30 years of experience in wetland delineations, functional assessments, monitoring and mitigation site development for both the New Jersey and Montana Department of Transportations. He has been involved in the development of a comprehensive aquatic resource mitigation program to meet wetland and stream mitigation needs for transportation projects throughout the state of Montana that has created over 55 mitigation areas ranging in size from ½ to 300 acres in size. He developed an annual monitoring program for the purposes of managing aquatic resource mitigation sites on both private and state lands to comply with federal, state and Tribal permitting requirements. Assisted in the funding, development and continued oversight of the Montana Department of Transportation’s Montana Wetland Assessment Method (MWAM) originally developed in 1989. He has also presented at a number of National and regional wetland mitigation conferences and participates in annual continuing education courses as an instructor in wetland regulations, mitigation and wetland assessments in the state of Montana.
Held Tuesday, May 19, 2015 – 3:00 pm ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Sue Galatowitsch, University of Minnesota
- Carter Johnson, South Dakota State University
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
Sue Galatowitsch Abstract: Understanding how restored wetland communities deviate from natural conditions and how long those deviations persist can provide important insights into the mechanisms of recovery and improve restoration practice. This webinar focuses on restored prairie pothole wetland restorations in northern Iowa, southern Minnesota, and southeastern South Dakota. Complete floristic surveys were performed for each restored wetlands in this region for twenty years. The important barriers to the recovery of prairie pothole restoration: isolation, infrequent flooding, and invasive species, are all factors that do not self-correct over time over time and need to be addressed during planning by establishing sound practices for initial implementation and long-term vegetation management.
Carter Johnson Abstract: About half of the original wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region have been drained, mostly for agriculture. If we are to maintain ecosystem services from these wetlands in the future, we need to rehabilitate a large number of drained wetlands in farmland. While they grow crops occasionally, most often crops are flooded out or the wetlands are too wet to plant. In most years they provide little either for farmers or for the conservation-minded public. An experiment was conducted on a working Prairie Farm from 2008-2014 to convert these wetlands to grass crops that would provide consistent income for producers either from native plant seed, hay, or grass-fed beef. Plants native to the region, well-adapted to the natural water regime, and with economic potential were planted, managed, and marketed. Results indicate that the costs of rehabilitation could be met in several years’ time, with significant profits afterwards.
Susan M. Galatowitsch is Professor and Head of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at the University of Minnesota. Dr. Galatowitsch teaches courses in restoration ecology and wetland ecology at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on restoration assessment, revegetation, management of invasive species, and climate change adaptation for wetland and riparian ecosystems. In addition to many research publications, she has authored two books, Ecological Restoration (Sinauer Associates) and Restoring Prairie Wetlands: An Ecological Approach (with Arnold van der Valk).
Dr. W. Carter Johnson is Distinguished Professor of Ecology at South Dakota State University in Brookings and Chairman of EcoSun Prairie Farms, Inc. He received a B.S. in Biology from Augustana College (Sioux Falls) in 1968 and a Ph.D. in Botany (Plant Ecology) from North Dakota State University in 1971. Dr. Johnson began his professional career as Research Associate and Research Staff Member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1971-77), followed by 12 years in the Department of Biology at Virginia Tech. In 1989 he became Head of the Department of Horticulture, Forestry, Landscape, and Parks at South Dakota State University, a position held until 1995. Since then, he has maintained a combined teaching and research position at SDSU.His research interests include river regulation and riparian forest ecology, climate change and prairie wetlands, seed dispersal in fragmented landscapes, paleoecology (climate reconstruction using tree rings; Holocene seed dispersal and plant migration) and multi-functional agriculture and agro-ecological restoration. His research program is strongly multi-disciplinary and inter-institutional. Dr. Johnson has published approximately 135 peer-reviewed journal articles, books and book chapters.
Vernal Pool Restoration – How to Restore the Landscape
Held Tuesday, April 21, 2015 – 3:00 pm ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Mick Micacchion, Midwest Biodiversity Institute
- Christina M. Schaefer, Schaefer Ecological Solutions
- Aram J.K. Calhoun, The University of Maine
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
Mick Micacchion is a wetland ecologist at the non-profit Midwest Biodiversity Institute and is certified as a Professional Wetland Scientist by the Society of Wetland Scientists. He has a BS and MS in Wildlife Management, both from the Ohio State University, and retired in 2011 from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA). While working at Ohio EPA he was instrumental in the development of Ohio’s Wetland Water Quality Standards rules, wetland assessment tools (including the Ohio Rapid Assessment Method for Wetlands (ORAM), Vegetation Index of Biotic Integrity (VIBI), and Amphibian Index of Biotic Integrity (AmphIBI)) and their integration into Ohio’s wetland program, which has worked as a model for the country. He has monitored the physical, chemical and biological features, including the plant, amphibian and macroinvertebrate communities of hundreds of Ohio’s natural wetlands and trained hundreds of wetland professionals in the development and use of wetland monitoring and assessment methods including ORAM, VIBI and AmphIBI. He has also monitored, assessed, and reported on the condition of hundreds of Ohio wetland mitigation projects. Mick was a member of the Technical Advisory Group, which developed the methods used in the National Wetland Condition Assessment, and on Ohio’s Interagency Review Team, where he was a major contributor to the “Guidelines on Wetland Mitigation Banking in Ohio”.
Christina Schaefer is a landscape ecologist with over 30 years of experience in natural resources planning and management, conservation biology, and restoration ecology. She acquired her expertise by piloting habitat restoration programs in arid and saline environments in the Middle East and Mexico, participating in research for the Biosphere II project (a self-contained ecosystem in the Arizona desert), and working on conservation projects in Germany and Italy. While at the Environmental Research Laboratory in Tucson, Arizona, she conducted her Ph.D. research on the biology of Distichlis palmeri, a California endemic salt-tolerant plant, and its usefulness for restoration of saline environments. Over the past 20 years, Christina has gained significant expertise in vernal pool ecosystems and their restoration through hands-on vernal pool habitat restoration. Christina specializes in habitat restoration design and implementation, large-scale natural resources and watershed management planning, and the development of land management funding mechanisms. As a board member of the San Diego Habitat Conservancy (SDHC), Christina chairs the Habitat Management Committee, assists with the implementation of state-of-the-art monitoring protocols, and reviews the acquisition process for new preserves. She also serves on the Education Committee on the behalf of which she engages with educators on developing an open space curriculum for elementary schools. Christina often guest-teaches at the University of California San Diego (UCSD) and participates in the National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded “Art of Science Learning” and the “San Diego Incubator for Innovation”, hosted by the Balboa Park Cultural Partnership.
Aram JK Calhoun is a Professor of Wetland Ecology in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology and Director of the Ecology and Environmental Sciences Program at the University of Maine, USA. Her research focuses on forested wetlands and vernal pool ecosystems. She is particularly interested in conservation of natural resources on private lands and collaborative approaches to conserving them. Dr. Calhoun is active in working at all levels of government and with diverse stakeholders on wetland policy and conservation issues and is currently working with Maine municipalities to develop an alternative, locally driven, vernal pool regulatory tool.
Pacific Coast Wetland Restoration
Held Tuesday, March 17, 2015 – 3:00 pm ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Charles ("Si") Simenstad, University of Washington
- John Callaway, University of San Francisco
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
Pacific Coast tidal wetlands encompass a wide range of conditions from high-salinity, Mediterranean southern California salt marshes with ~2-m tidal range to tidal wetlands in the Pacific Northwest with low salinities, often extensive tidal freshwater, and tidal ranges up to 3.5-m. There has been a long history of tidal wetland restoration across this spectrum, in large part driven by high rates of wetland impacts in southern California, San Francisco Bay, and Puget Sound, but also in smaller coastal estuaries. Early restoration evolved directly from mitigation requirements, with focus on supporting endangered species, such as Pacific salmon and Clapper Rail. More recently, large-scale regional efforts have been undertaken to improve landscape-scale restoration, with a broad consideration of estimating climate change effects on wetlands. In addition to climate change issues, urbanization is a major constraint for restoration planning on the Pacific Coast. We will review lessons from a range of case studies across the region, considering issues of scale, evaluation of success, and restoration constraints. If we have a consensus take-home message, it is that our current ad hoc, opportunistic approach to tidal wetland restoration will need to be replaced by a more watershed, ecosystem process-based planning process.
Charles (“Si”) Simenstad is a Research Professor in the University of Washington’s School of Aquatic and Fishery Science, where he coordinates the Wetland Ecosystem Team. Prof. Simenstad is an estuarine and coastal marine ecologist who has studied the organization and function of estuarine and coastal marine ecosystems throughout Puget Sound, Washington, Oregon and California coasts, and Alaska for over forty years. Much of this research has focused on the functional role of estuarine and coastal wetlands supporting juvenile Pacific salmon and other fish and wildlife, and the associated ecological processes and community dynamics that are responsible for enhancing their production and life history diversity. His research interests focus on: ecosystem-, community- and habitat-level interactions, with emphasis on predator-prey relationships; sources, organization and flow of organic matter through food webs; estuarine ecology of juvenile Pacific salmon; and, landscape-scale interaction between estuarine circulation and ecological processes. Recent research has integrated such ecosystem interactions with applied issues such as evaluating and planning restoration and rehabilitation of estuarine and coastal wetlands at ecosystem and landscape scales.
Prof. Simenstad is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Co-Editor-in-Chief for Estuaries and Coasts, and Associate Editor for San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science and the Encyclopedia of Puget Sound. He also serves on the Chief of the US Army Corps of Engineers Environmental Advisory Board, and was the 2009 recipient of the NOAA-AFS Nancy Foster Award for Habitat Conservation. He has authored or co-authored over 80 peer-reviewed scientific papers, 20 book and proceedings chapters, ~35 miscellaneous publications and >125 workshop proceedings and technical reports. He has recently served as the co-editor for the 11-chapter, Vol. 1-Classification of Estuarine and Nearshore Coastal Ecosystems in Elsevier’s recently published, comprehensive Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. He has served as academic advisor for 27 M.S./Ph.D. graduate students, and served on an additional ~40 graduate student committees.
Si’s recent research includes: NOAA-NWFSC studies of juvenile salmon rearing in wetlands and restoring shallow-water ecosystems of the Columbia River estuary; developing and testing an estuarine ecosystem classification system for the Columbia River estuary, and employing it to delineate juvenile Pacific salmon habitat through the estuary gradient; an interdisciplinary study of wetland restoration processes at Liberty Island in the Sacramento River delta; investigating the trophic responses of juvenile salmon and steelhead during intermittent closing of the Russian River (California) estuary; evaluating the contribution of estuarine rearing of juvenile salmon to life history diversity in Kachemak Bay and southeastern Cook Inlet, Alaska; and through 2012 served as Chair of the Nearshore Science Team (NST) of the Puget Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Research Program (PSNERP) providing scientific guidance for the (US Army Corps of Engineers, General Investigation) restoration planning of estuarine and nearshore ecosystems in Puget Sound.
Si holds a B.S. (1969) and M.S. (1971) from the School of Fisheries at the University of Washington.
John Callaway is a Professor in the Department of Environmental Science at the University of San Francisco, where he also directs the Master's program in Environmental Management. Prior to this, he was the Associate Director of the Pacific Estuarine Research Laboratory at San Diego State University. He teaches courses in wetland ecology and restoration ecology at USF, and he conducts research on wetland restoration, climate change effects on tidal wetlands, and wetland carbon dynamics. John has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters. His most recent project was on carbon sequestration in tidal wetlands in San Francisco Bay. In 2013, he was awarded USF’s Distinguished Research Award. John also serves on a number of advisory panels on wetland restoration and management, including in Louisiana, southern California, and the San Francisco Bay area. Previously, he was the editor of Madroño and served on the board of editors of Wetlands, and Ecological Applications; currently he is an associate editor for Estuaries and Coasts. John received a B.S. in Biology from UC Berkeley, an M.S. in Biology from San Francisco State University, and a Ph.D. in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences from Louisiana State University.
Playa and Rainwater Basin Restoration
Held Tuesday, February 17, 2015 – 3:00 pm ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Rich Weber, NRCS Wetland Team, CNTSC
- Ted LaGrange, Nebraska Game & Parks Commission
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
Playa wetlands are one of the most abundant wetland types on the Great Plains. They are shallow, mostly temporarily flooded, depressional wetlands, and most have no surface outlet and are perched above groundwater by a clay layer. Many playas are embedded in agricultural fields, and have been highly impacted by drainage attempts, watershed modifications, and/or culturally-accelerated sediment. We will discuss how to assess these impacts and the techniques that can be used to restore playas and their associated watersheds. We will also discuss the importance of managing playas after their restoration.
Richard A. Weber is a Wetland Hydraulic Engineer with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Wetland Team, CNTSC in Fort Worth, Texas from 2006 to present. In this role, Rich has provided national leadership on wetland hydrology, including: Support for Wetland Restoration Program, Wetland Protection Policy, and E.O. 11990 Wetland Assessments. He leads a national training cadre for Wetland Restoration and Enhancement and Hydrology Tools for Wetland Determination courses. From 2005-2006, Rich was Design Engineer at the NRCS Nebraska State Office where he had design and A&E Contracting responsibilities for PL-566, WRP, and EQIP programs. From 1999-2005, he was a Field Engineer at the NRCS in the Scottsbluff, NE Field Office where he had design, construction, and contracting responsibilities for the Wetland Reserve Program, EQIP Irrigation and Animal Waste Management, and CTA conservation practices. From 1997-1999, Rich was an Agricultural Engineer at the NRCS in Chehalis, WA where he had design, construction, and contracting responsibilities for Conservation District funded Stream Restoration and Fish Passage projects, and EQIP program Animal Waste Projects. And from 1986-1997, he was a Watershed Project Engineer at the NRCS in Horton, KS where he performed Construction Contract Administration for PL-566 Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention projects.
Ted LaGrange is an Iowa native, Ted moved to Nebraska in 1993 to work as the Wetland Program Manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. As Wetland Program Manager he works on a wide variety of wetland issues throughout the state including private land restoration programs, public lands management, resource advocacy and outreach. Prior to moving to Nebraska, he worked for 8 years as a Waterfowl Research Technician for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources in Clear Lake. Stationed in northern Iowa, he worked with the prairie pothole restoration program, especially evaluation of plant and waterfowl response to wetland restoration. Ted received B.S. and M.S. degrees in wildlife biology from Iowa State University. During his college years he spent summers working on refuges in Oregon and New York for the US Fish and Wildlife Service, working on a muskrat ecology study on the Upper Mississippi River, and working on the Marsh Ecology Research Project for Delta Waterfowl and Wetlands Research Station in Manitoba. His professional interests are in prairie wetlands and waterfowl/waterbird ecology.
Temperate and Tropical/subtropical Seagrass Restoration: challenges for the 21st century
Held January 20, 2015 – 3:00 pm ET
Introduction – Marla Stelk, Policy Analyst, Association of State Wetland Managers and Jeanne Christie, Association of State Wetland Managers
- Robin Lewis, Lewis Environmental Services, Inc. & Coastal Resource Group, Inc.
- Mark Fonseca, CSA Ocean Sciences
PowerPoint presentation is available here.
This presentation reviews the status of the science for seagrass restoration and mitigation with a worldwide perspective. The presentation will include review of current challenges, such as understanding the importance of disturbance in site selection and stability, applying economic evaluation, applying landscape principles and management of species with diverse life histories. Strategies for the future engagement will be outlined including the need for more site-specific training and the addressing the current general lack of appreciation and application of the historical science base.
Roy R. “Robin” Lewis, III is President of Lewis Environmental Services, Inc., and Coastal Resources Group, Inc., a not-for-profit scientific and educational organization, both with offices in Valrico, Florida, and Salt Springs, Florida. He is a Professional Wetland Scientist certified by the Society of Wetland Scientists, and a certified Senior Ecologist with the Ecological Society of America. He has forty years of experience in the design and construction of wetlands with over 200 completed and successful projects in the USA and overseas. He has recently designed, permitted, and supervised initial construction of a 400 ha mangrove restoration project at the Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve near Marco Island, and a 7,000 ha project in Indonesia. He has also worked and taught wetland restoration in twenty-two foreign countries including Jamaica, Bonaire, the Bahama Islands, Cuba, Costa Rica, Barbados, Guyana, Nigeria, Mexico, Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Hong Kong. He specializes in the ecological monitoring, management and restoration of mangrove forests and seagrass meadows and has over 125 professional publications in these and other wetland subject areas.
Mark Fonseca is the Science Director for CSA Ocean Sciences, a marine environmental consulting firm headquartered in Stuart, Florida and with numerous overseas branch offices. Besides ensuring scientific quality for CSA, he conducts applied research with a focus on ecosystem restoration and management, especially with seagrasses. In 2012 he retired from NOAA where he spent over 30 years as a research ecologist and research branch chief. He has authored or co-authored over 80 peer-reviewed papers and dozens of technical reports on the ecology, conservation and mitigation of seagrass ecosystems. In 1998 he also senior authored “Guidelines for the conservation and restoration of seagrasses in the United States and Adjacent Waters”, which remains a leading national and international treatise on the subject. He holds a B.Sc. in Resource Development from the University of Rhode Island, a M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Virginia and a Ph.D. in Integrative Biology from the University of California, Berkeley.
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